Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day after Day after Day

We have this fairy-like fog almost every day. It is beautiful.

I woke up yesterday rarin' to go! All of a sudden I was in a great mood. I decided to stop moaning and groaning and start using the part of my brain that is still working and get going. Yippee kye yai!

I even did some painting! Fun to throw a bit of paint on a big piece of paper. Wahoo! Today I will go to the gym, and then we will go to Alexandria, MN., to do some shopping... We are discussing ways to ameliorate the mistake I made in measuring for the counter top. The one for the sink counter was perfect. BUT the one for the stove counter top was measured a bit short as I forgot to count in the tape holder which is an additional two plus inches! Woe, woe. We have various ideas, now, and have someone to do the work, so it will be interesting.

A variation on When you are handed a lemon, make lemonade. It will be fun to see what comes of it!

Take care.

Friday, January 15, 2010


I am drowning in beauty. This strange fog in the mornings coats everything in the most fairylike white. Our back yard is absolutely beautiful.

Now: if I had a camera that worked, I would take a picture of it to share with you.

Woe. But beauty makes woe a WOW.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Quick- gotta make it in January

I have had a fabulous January so far. You have never lived until you've gone to a pajama party with a group of older women. (I am the oldest).

It was a get together of our Book Club to discuss the dread "Atlas Shrugged" ... The book which has 1069 pages of miniscule print. I finally managed to finish it, and we had a lively discussion.

The main problem is getting a word in edgewise with this talkative bunch, so we started to use the speaking stick. When you have the stick, no one else can talk. Then you can pass it on, to the next person who wishes to speak. Works great.

One of the funniest things about this is that people are so amazed that old women could have a pajama party. We had a ball.

We also watched the movie "August Rush." We all highly recommend it.

How much fun it is to have a group of friends to laugh with. Take care