Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Well. This is one of my early paintings that I gave to John for his birthday about 8 years ago. I took a picture of the painting now when I was out in Virginia. The caption says something like, "You were expecting maybe Rembrandt?"

As you can see, I was unable to use the cropping feature that I used to have and I have been unable to use the pix that I have in Picasa2 where I have a cropping feature. I thought I was a bit overwrought until I read some of the complaints on the picasa2 comment board. People are a bit excited over the lack of cooperation of the two features. It will be corrected, all in due time, I am sure.

At least the little fellow in the painting is still smiling!

I didn't make it to the gym this morning as our choir was singing at the funeral for one of our long time members. She was 83 years old. I looked around the choir and the congregation and realized that many of us are teetering on the brink of being the one being sung for. What a wonderful rich life we have had together in our church, and that rich life is merely the threshhold for an even richer life. Say "hi" to Jesus for us, Ruby.

I sit next to a woman in choir who had gone to grade school with her and they had spent all those years as friends. We have a rich heritage and inheritance. Take care.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Ok. For the present I give up. Do you know anyone who can help me? I need to know how to get a picture from my computer (stored in the program called Piccasa2 which I downloaded from Google) to my blog (which is shown on Google!)? You would think that two programs would be copacetic, but so far, no dice. At least I can crop my pictures now. That is a bit of advancement... but I don't know how to get them on this blog. I admit it. I don't know how.

Okay. Got that out of my system a little bit. Take care in the cold.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

A picture!!!!!!!!!!

Or not. I can't seem to access the picture from Picassa2. I will keep on trying. This new stuff is driving me slightly bonkier than usual. At least I can crop the picture in Picassa2. I have a new painting all ready to show you. I just can't seem to get hold of it. I will, though, I promise. I am very stubborn.

It is very cold today. We went to church and sang in the choir. One of the things I like most to do. Then this afternoon I went to a going away do for a friend who is moving out east. The furnace hadn't been on long enough so we kept our coats on at the Melby Town Hall. It was a rare and wonderful collection of people. Music and talk and - of course - food.

What would I do if I didn't have this frustration of computer stuff? I know I would smile a whole lot more. Yesterday I actually downloaded something for six (YES, THAT IS SIX) hours and then it wouldn't install. Today I have had limited success in that I downloaded AND installed Picassa2. I can hardly believe my good fortune. NOW, when I can actually get hold of the picture to put it in my blog, you will all hear my yell of accomplishment without virtue of telephone. Brace yourselves.

Take care.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Well. All is progressing. My computer guy/angel mentioned that I could probably use the second drive (which I thought was just for DVDs) as a CD drive and wahoo! It proved to be true. I have stuff back. I am weeding it out so I get it back to a more reasonable amount of pictures, but my computer is beginning to feel more like home.

Went to the gym this morning. Always a fun way to catch up with local news. Now to a few more projects in the basement. Why is the term "basement" so depressing? It gives me slight shudder even to mention the words, although our "basement" is finished and just fine. I think it brings to mind the old time cellars which were dark and dank and unfinished. Cobwebs with the concommitent spiders leap to mind. Throw in a few mice, and there you go... perfect Halloween fare.

OK. Let's get back to reality. I will go down to my well-lit studio and work on my projects. I hope to manage to include a few pictures by the next posting, so that will be more fun. I like a blog with a picture or two! Have a good one.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oh, My Goodness!!!

Well. Finally. My computer is back home. I still have an issue or two, but it is looking up. I got the virus protection, etc., all taken care of. I have discovered a stellar repair person/angel right here in town so I don't have to panic when something occurs! Or doesn't occur. My e-mail is completely weird and I have no idea how to get it back to where it looks right. All in due time, though, is my motto. Sigh. I have a completely wiped clean slate: no pictures, no documents, no nothing on my computer. Luckily I managed to back up some of it a while back. Now my
CD Rom drive tray belt is already acting up (as the "angel" said it might) so I cannot reinstall this stuff. Hopefully my "angel" will be able to advise. THE ONGOING SAGA.......

It is amazing how discombobulated one feels when the life line to the outside world is interfered with. Not good. However, it is nice to be back home. I have been rather ill with a bit of my diverticulitis, but it looks as though I am on the way to complete recovery for the moment. We'll have to wait and see.

I am soldiering away on my "vicki room." I hope to get some order out of chaos soon. Naomi spent some time helping me, thank God, so I am not totally discouraged. now if I can continue to make small improvements day by day, there may be hope. Then, if I can be sure of the internet stuff working for the time being at least, I can get back to painting.

It was fun to get back to the gym. We had a small birthday party and jollity was enjoyed by us all. We are becoming better and better friends. Take care

Friday, January 19, 2007


Any self respecting person of Norwegian ancestry should probably spell that word "Uffda", but who ever said I was a self respecting person!

I have been stuck in Mpls because I got sick and didn't feel I could drive myself home. So I am hoping to make it later this afternoon. Fran has been putting up with me on her sofa and we have been having fun inspite of all.

Turns out there is much more to getting my poor old computer up and running than I know. It is very frustrating and almost enough so that I would give up this lively blog and the computer entirely and go back to a manual typewriter. Yeah, that's likely to happen. But, really, why do things have to be so complicated and endless?! (See, Karen l, I'm doing it too!)

Fran is trying to figure out the whole carb thing as she has been told that she has diabetes, maybe. One doctor isn't concerned and the other was. hmmm. Anyway, the way they try to make it all accessible to the mind is - instead - mind boggling.

I heard the magic words, "verse go" (whatever the correct Norwegian spelling would be, is gone, along with Uffda.) Fran has breakfast ready. I love being waited on as George could tell you. He often does breakfast for us! I love it!!!! Take care.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Yup! I'm still kickin'!

I am at Fran's so thought I would kick out a blog! Last night Naomi and I went to Best Buy and bought a hard drive which Tony is proceeding to install in my computer. A million thanks to both of them. What a wonderful deal. I get so "complexado" by the troubles with my computer. That is a Portuguese word which means I have a complex about being able to log on. I NEED MY COMPUTER FIX EVERY FEW HOURS OR I GET REALLY IRRITABLE AND CRABBY! So hopefully it will be all accomplished to the point that I will be able to cope! If not, watch out. I will be very crabby until I am able to cope!

Another thing that happened to me that blew my mind was the loss of a small wrapped package in my small home. It completely disappeared. The package was about the size of a baseball, then wrapped in bubble wrap and in a white plastic shop bag. It was not in the garbage as I searched through all the garbage (including endless coffee grounds!) or the other places it could be. In short... it just disappeared!

Naomi and I went to IKEA this morning. For goodness sakes. It is completely overwhelming. I bought a few little completely clever things: ten bookends, five magazine holder boxes, and five clothes hangers, all for just slightly more than ten dollars. Amazing. But there is just too much to get your mind around.

I am hearing a siren. That is a noise that Fran hears a lot here as we live close to a fire station. For this small town girl, it still gives me a little shiver.

Fran is here now and says I must come to eat lunch or the coffee will get cold. Perish the thought. My Norwegian genes are vibrating in horror at such a fate. Take care.

Monday, January 15, 2007

A death in the Household

The hard drive on my computer has died, and I do feel slightly bereft. It leaves a great hole in my day's activities! I came back from Virginia and one of the first things I did was try to hook up my computer and check my e-mail! Well, my computer was dead as a doornail. Woe's me!

Another rather distressing thing happened to our luggage. The golf club deal did not arrive with the other suitcase. Double woe is George! Hopefully they will arrive sometime soon.. at least soon enough for the start of the golf league!

I was thrilled to see all my old buddies at the gym today. The place is hopping with quite a few new members. Great way to keep in shape as well as laugh and talk. Wahoo.

I am presently typing away on Naomi's lap top which she managed to hook up to my dial up connection. I have yet to check my e-mail. We had such a great time in Virginia but are glad to be home.

I will continue to try to do a bit of blogging, but if I don't for a time or two it will be because of my computer woes. Keep on checking! Take care.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Family Trip

We set out yesterday on a family trip. First to Jamestown, then to Yorktown. Fascinating to see where some of the battles of the Revolutionary War were fought, right? We noticed an inordinate number of police cars on the highway. When we got to Jamestown we were stopped and told that everything was closed (AND I MEAN EVERYTHING). Today we read that Dick Cheney and the governor of Virginia were involved in a special deal at Jamestown with all of the state senators, etc. Made the front page. WE did not get to see anything in Jamestown, however, but went to the Victory Center in Yorktown and had a great afternoon. Went on a tour of a facsimile army encampment and a farm of early days. Matt got to dress up in a minute man uniform and loved the experience. The cold was penetrating, but otherwise the meander was great.
After a while, I got lost from the rest and wandered through the galleries. I went to a movie about the early times. Then I managed to find the GIFT SHOP and, of course, the family thought to find me there. We reunited and "the kids" took us out to dinner. Wonderful. I ate some calamari as an homage to one of my favorite movies, Shirley Valentine. The food was great. Then home after a short stop at Ben and Jerry's!
{ A small aside: I want to make a plea for those of you who use modern technology. Please carry your cell phone on your person so that when another person tries to contact you using a cell phone, she can contact you. It does her no good left in the truck when there is no one in the truck! }
We had a wonderful time, even considering cell phone complaints, and made memories for a lifetime. Our little grandson is a trooper.

Monday, January 08, 2007

home again, .....

home again, hippity hop. Should be back in the gym on the 15th if all goes according to plan.

No progress on the hula hoop front and hardly any exercise, so I am looking forward to getting back to you guys. You will have to get after me to be really on the hoop when I get back!

It is rainy and kinda cold here today after a series of days in the 70's. Just as we had amazingly good weather in MINN, so they have had here. Golf and walks and just nice stuff going on.

We have a fire place so I have been able to indulge myself in my favorite evening thing... sitting in the rocker in front of the fire while watching TV. The football games have been pretty much non-stop, although I also manage to watch lots of HGTV, too, to store up for the time when I am not near a cable TV set. Remember when I came back from California TV, and I updated my wardrobe so you gals wouldn't "out" me as the world's worse dresser? Now I have been watching house remodelers, so don't let me near a crow-bar. I'm fired up!

I decided that today was my day to cook. The family assented to my decision, so I am trying again to make that chocolate desert, and I am roasting a beef roast in the crockpot. We'll see how it all turns out. I am GREATLY outshined in the cook department by both Beth and John. They both love to cook and are very good at it. They try exotic recipes and we are the ones to benefit from their expertise. Matthew is at school. Leaves and returns on the bus while we are here. When we are gone, he will go early and late to his youth group. They are a busy family!

Take care and I am looking forward to seeing you in a week!

Friday, January 05, 2007


We watched the movie Miracle about the USA hockey team that won the Olympics in 1980. It was fun to sit around and have movie night. I am getting to the point that I feel like I miss an appreciable lot through deafness, so I bought a cheapy tv ears deal to help. I'm not sure it helps at all, but it can really make my life interesting. I pick up everything in the room BUT the tv. Sometimes it nearly blasts me into the next county. I am hoping I will become accustomed to its use enough to be able to listen to tv without having it on too high when everyone else is sleeping. I will keep you posted as to my success!

I am driving around the country side and learning where things are. Went to Poquoson to the Food Lion store this afternoon. Also the other direction to the Ben Franklin. We ate at the Chick-fil-a. The kids couldn't believe I didn't know what that was before I came here. It's pronounced Chick filet like filet mignon. Excellent restaurant. Had a great grilled chicken sandwich on a whole wheat bun with onion, tomato and lettuce. Yummy.

I am painting up a storm but regret I don't have the wherewithall (sp?) to share pix of the paintings with you. When I am back in Evansville, I will. I hesitate to go to bed yet as it is too early for me and then I wake up too early. I did that yesterday ... woke up at 4. Too bad.

Take care.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I am pumped. I just got back from walking 9 holes of golf. It was wet on the course, so we walked. It was absolutely beautiful. No one else much was playing, so we could take our time. I didn't play, I just helped George see where the ball went (A bit like the blind leading the blind!) We had a wonderful time. Then we meandered home getting thoroughly lost but finding our way home with practically no trouble. I love being lost when I actually have some idea what to do. We got home in jig time and I checked my blood sugar.

I hadn't planned on walking the golf, so my blood sugar was low. It's about time I had some exercise. I have been couch potatoing !

I am about finished with one painting and about to start a new one. I can't show them to you until I get home, but then I will. I'm sure you are extremely anxious to see them!!! Ah, well. You'll just have to wait.

I am very lonesome for you all. It's nice here, but I miss there! The eternal dilemna.

Monday, January 01, 2007


The family is watching the start of the Rose Bowl, but I wanted to greet you all and wish you all the best for the New Year. I have started a new painting in a new method, so I am having fun. I am also getting to know my grandson a bit. All good, so far.