Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Beautiful to look at!

Gadzooks! We've got snow. What a snowy mess. George thought he could just drive out of the driveway without shoveling because he had done that at 6. Now, at noon, he is trying to go down town, and is stuck in the driveway. So shoveling is in his future. I love snow, but he does the shoveling! No wonder I'm the one who loves it.

I slept in until 11 o'clock. So I am just now feasting on the gorgeous sight. The trees are spectacular. The birds have gone crazy at the bird feeders. It's very windy, so they flitter around trying to land on the feeder. Their wings are so active, they look like hummingbirds.

I haven't been up long enough to watch the news on TV. I wonder how it's going up in Fargo. I can't imagine this wet snow is helping the flood challenge. Oofta. Or uffda, if you prefer. Douglas County is not in a flood area, but I'm sure we'll have some flooded basements in town anyway. That seems a small thing compared to what folks by the Red River are facing if the dikes fail. It still is bad, though.

I'm just going to relax, enjoy my warm, cozy house, and watch George shovel. Poor guy.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Yup, well

I don't have results back from the MRI, so - as they say - no news is good news.

The sun is shinng on the newly fallen snow. The whole state is holding its collective breath to see how awful the flooding in the Fargo/Moorhead area is going to be. Oofta. At one time our son and family lived on the Red River. The flooding went up to the mound the house was occupying. George went up to check on things putting his fishing boat on the trailer, and boating over to the house. All was well in the house and they escaped damage, but the expanse of water was truly impressive. I have a video of that flood. This one is supposed to be worse. Wow.

I imagine the tiling of wetlands is one of the contributing factors to the extensive flooding. Not enough wetlands to soak up the overflow. Douglas County is one of the counties that is not at flood risk. Thank goodness.

House finches, junkos, and sparrows are busy on the birdfeeder. So cute.

Take care.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


I had an MRI yesterday. Of my brain! I am going to describe my experience.

After I was all signed in and had signed about 6 papers, I was turned over to a nice girl (oops! Young Woman) who had me put everything metal in a little locker... hearing aids, cell phone, lanyard, etc. Then I stuffed my jackets into the locker together with my tote bag. Luckily, I had not worn my winter coat... it would never have fit in the locker. I refuse to put my winter coat on. It is supposed to be SPRING. So I layer jackets.

I locked my locker and we took the key into the room with us. I also took off my shoes at the door, and laid my eyeglasses there on a shelf. She asked me what kind of music I preferred. I said, "Long hair." She looked confused, so I said "Classical." It's amazing what small things can illustrate your advanced age.

We went into a brightly lit room with a contraption on which I was to lie down. It reminded me of a giant cream colored cigar. I laid down and she put very substantial earphones on me. Then a cream colored plastic catcher's type head gear. Then she gave me a button deal that I could press to get out immediately if my claustrophobia kicked in. And so it started. The machine slid me into a very confined space. I never opened my eyes so I cannot describe it. I basically put myself in a relaxed dozy state and listened to the loud hammering (for once I was sort of glad I was deaf) and the classical music. It took about 40 minutes.

The experience was ok. Very interesting. No big deal.

Now I await the results!

Take care.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


The strangest things pop into my mind in the middle of the night when I am attempting that last little movement into sleep. For two nights now I have been remembering little things from the past. When i was little, I remember our having a small metal bowl... by small, I mean about the size of the top half of your thumb. It was used to wash our eyes.

I mean, why did we need to wash our eyes? Did we have diseased eyes? We would put liquid into it, tip it up into our eyes, and let it drain into the bathroom sink. Hmmm.???

Another thing I have been attempting to remember for a long time was a type of medication similar to Mentholatum, but stronger. It came to me that it might have been called Unguentine. Does that strike a chord in your memories?

Enough, already. Have a nice day and take care.

Monday, March 16, 2009


For many of you folks that are still hard at work (Thank God if you still have a job!) Monday is a rather hard day. It's hard to get into the swing of things. The week starts off slow, then speeds up, and then you can hardly wait for the last stroke of the keyboard on Friday.

When you're retired, each day kind of melts into the next. It all becomes a blur punctuated by making meals and watching your favorite TV shows. And reading books! And going to the gym.

Today has the feel of spring. The birds are busy. There is a pair of house finches with their lovely red tinted heads at the feeder. Also chickadees and nuthatches. So much fun to watch.

Take care.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Snow, beautiful SNOW

We are in the midst of a good old fashioned blizzard. Get out the popcorn and the dvds. Not only do we have the warnings of the weather prognosticators, but we can see it with our own eyes. Wahoo. I especially enjoy it as I am retired and can just cuddle down in my recliner and enjoy being able to be in my nice warm house.

Poor Naomi, on the other hand, fell victim to a giant pothole. She is presently without wheels and in the quandary of whether to repair or buy. Decisions, decisions. Just when she was starting to get her ducks in a row, whammo. That about covers life, actually.

Enjoy the snow, if possible! Take care.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


We have several sayings that don't make sense... That's for the birds is one of them. They are fed the most marvelous of seeds in our feeders.

It's so much fun to watch them. We have flickers, blue jays, junkos, finches, downy woodpeckers, pileated woodpeckers, chickadees, nuthatches, and a plethora of sparrows.

Today, because it is relatively warm, they are out in force.

Take care.