Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hi ho

This is another image of the "Beer Tree." This is the large original attempt at this painting. Later I will put a photograph in of the tree. You'll be able to see what you think of this painting's verisimilitude. ( That word is for you, Karen l. Gotta keep you on your toes!)

I have been mulling over anonymous's (?) comments about my last posting. It amused me as her exhortation to think about life and not death was exactly the point that I thought I had made in the posting! Hmmmmmm. I think part of the mulling over life and the necessity to savor each day and each spring, etc., comes from living in a small town. This week we have two funerals of people that we know well. Each month several friends or acquaintances "bite the dust" and we are very aware of the tenuous nature of our lease on life. So, Carpe Diem! Make the most of each day. Onward and upward! Which is what I take from the comment! And the point I thought I had made in the posting!

Today I went to the gym and heard them remark that I had not posted for a day or two, and I realized that I had not decided what to say about death. Have I covered it well enough so that I can go on in the future and talk about LIFE! I think the realization that death awaits us all makes us savor life all the more. Yup. Carpe Diem! The first time I remember hearing that expression was in the movie, "The Dead Poets' Society." I thought it was a terrific movie and Robin Williams was great in it, but it is a very difficult movie to watch. I have never had the courage to watch it again. I love Robin Williams in movies but I don't like his comic schticks. He is way too manic for me. "Awakenings" is another of his good ones.

Off to make lunch and then to paint, etc. Take care.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


From my window the view is both beautiful and dreary. Rain is predicted and the rusty grass will begin to turn green. The life cycle will begin again. Soon, George will be fussing with the garden (the left part behind the birdhouse he uses and the right part behind the foreground tree our neighbor uses). George and I have begun saying, "Well, I guess we will see another spring!" At our age, nothing is certain. In reality, at any age, nothing is certain... but at our age we can see the handwriting on the wall... each day of life is a tremendous gift!
Yesterday I went to a birthday party for Ellen Eilers. She is 90 years old and is still completely dedicated to living! Somewhere on this blog I included a picture of her. Her art is great, but even more inspiring is her zest for living. At her party I was chatting with the others at the table and we were discussing whether we would want to live to 100. We all agreed that we would like it if we could have all our marbles and reasonably good health. In actuality, of course, we just keep on truckin' with what we have. So far so good.
On that note, I will trundle off to getting dressed and ready for church. I am lector today. I love being lector. I get up in front of the congregation and look out and see the people whom I love. And then, I have the privilege of reading the Lord's message to them. Doesn't get much better than that! What a thrill to be alive and "Still Kickin".
Take care.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

lAnother Try....

Ok. I'll see if this picture cheers you all up. This is a picture of my sister sitting in our breakfast area/dining area. The dot on her face is from the chain that is hanging down from her glasses. She lives in the big city in a fabulous apartment. I have shown you endless pictures of the views from her SEVEN windows. Her adventures on the skyways of Minneapolis always cheer the country mouse in me. Sort of a variation (for me) of "it's fun to visit but I wouldn't want to live there." I think she had that feeling living in the country. She visited us for five years before succumbing to her love of the bright city lights!
Our weather is in flux... that dreaded time between winter and spring when it is just damp and ugly. It is the harbinger, however, of wonderful times to come. Just stick around and you will see that wonderful Spring Green. There is a town in Wisconsin named that, as well as a color in my watercolor collection.
Ok. That's it for today. Take care.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


OK. Stay with me, now. The day outside is foggy, gray, miserable. I decided to look through my pictures and find one that was the opposite of foggy, gray and miserable, and I came up with this one and managed to download it (or upload it?), which is a miracle in itself. This portrait of a tree should be colorful enough to make you look at today in a cheerful fashion. This is one of three such portraits I have painted, as it is an actual tree that grows on the shore of Lake Waubesa in Wisconsin. It is called the "Beer Tree" because the farmer that had the property years ago kept his beer stored in the hole in the base of the tree. His wife, so the story goes, wouldn't let him drink in the house, so he made this adjustment to continue his drinking. Whatever it takes?

Well, ok, this is a great day to be alive. Don't let the grayness get you down. Do something lively and fun today. My friend and I are going to Fergus to visit the Waage Art Center for their annual invitational show in which we both have paintings. The tea is today from 3 to 7, so we will go and schmooze and look at the art. Should be great fun! You are all invited! We will then come home and go to our respective Wednesday night Lenten Services. All in all, a great day.

Take care.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Small World

Wow. I got a comment from a friend and student whose class is celebrating their 50 year highschool reunion. I'm invited as their teacher ... oofta. Talk about a blast from the past. I'm so excited and I do plan to attend this gathering. I realize I'm only about 9 years older than these "kids" are now. And I'm frisky as my exercise buddies can attest! Right? I even have the hulu hoop tries up to seven revolutions. Wahoo. It will be an interesting meeting as we all try to adjust to our views of each other... after 50 years. Wow.

I also check in often to the Laurie R. King blog (there is a link on this blog) and she received a comment from a gal in Brazil. We lived in Brazil for five years, so that was another reminder of our past. Life is so interesting a weaving of the past and the present ... and then the future. What will it all entail? Carpe Diem, for sure. Make the most of every day.

I have made mention of our book club in this blog from time to time. The husband of one of our members has died. Duane was a person who made the most of every day and then fell victim to Alzheimer's. Although his final months were a challenge, his life was a blessing to all. May God bless and keep his family at this difficult time.

Take care.

Friday, March 16, 2007


I had a big day yesterday. To the gym. To Alexandria. Home to make dinner. To the Art Center to work in the lending library. (It's open Thursday evenings from 5 to 8.) Then to an Americal Legion Auxiliary meeting. I have just joined this group and it is fun to attend.

By the time I got home at 9 o'clock, I was really tired out. But what fun that there is still so much to do at my "advanced" age. Today I have been taking it easy and only went down to the Center for a couple of hours. I'm still working at arranging the books. Some of the other volunteers were there, too, and we talked over plans for the library area, as well as set up some things getting ready for the open house tomorrow for Della Conroy, the featured artist.

I hope that many of you will come to meet her and peruse the art as well as check out the new library area. See you there? Take care.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Oh, wow. I managed to do it. Now, of course, I can't remember the names.. but it is a picture of little people drawing on the table in the new lending library. Please notice how cute they are, the wonderful terra cotta paint in the back ground, and the books, ah, yes.... the books. I was planning to be there yesterday to begin going through the books that have been donated and reorganizing the shelves. But it will have to wait until I feel a bit more able to function. Soon.

I'm scheduled to work on Thursday evening, so I can definitely do it then.. but I was hoping to get in a few licks before that. All in due time. And remember that there is a wonderful art exhibit, too. The "Open House" for that is Saturday when Della Conroy will be there to talk about her art. 10 to two. Should be great.

Take care.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Monday blues

I thought I had lightened this picture up so that it would look better, and I will continue to try to do that. We had so much fun on Saturday down at the aborning lending library! We still need children's books. Several boxes full of grown up books came in. I just realized one must be careful not to say adult books, as that can have an unfortunate connotation. Sigh. So many pitfuls we face as we attempt to write the English language.
I am having a blue Monday with intestinal challenges, but my spirits are high. I will use the day of enforced home staying to get several projects worked on. The never-ending projects. It is so great to have plenty to do. One has no time to get bored. The trick, however, is to remember the projects so that they DO get done. I am becoming a rabid list maker.
Back to my projects. Have a great day and take care.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Seventh Heaven

That's where I am! My daughter and son-in-law came yesterday and are leaving today, but we have had enough time to really touch base. Great. Our ladies' get-together went great yesterday and we talked our heads off. Well, not quite "off."

Our lending library's open house is today. I am ecstatic about that, and the fact that my daughter is able to be here for that adds to the excitment. Well... it doesn't get much better!

My daughter and I went to "Because I said So" at the movies last night. I am saying don't bother. Even the sight of some of my favorite actors doesn't cut it. The guys went to "Zodiac" and that seemed to be interesting from their comments, if the thought of the study of serial killer research thrills you! The theater was PACKED even though it is a nine plex now. "Wild Hogs" was sold out for the early performance.

Well, off to my thrilling day. I will try to take a picture or two to include (hopefully). Take care

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Double Wow!

I went down to the Coffeehouse Art Center yesterday (no, we don't serve coffee now, that was in another lifetime) and the improvements on the facility are truly awe inspiring. Various volunteers have rescued the room that used to be the kitchen and made it a cozy reading room. It is WONDERFUL.

C. M. Stinton and her husband, Dale, did yeoman service. I can never remember how to spell her first name (Corinne, corrine, corrinne?) so C. M. will do. Fantastic. The floor is a miracle.

Then there was the work involved in tearing off the old wall covering in the kitchen and mudding it in such a way that all of the multitude of flaws were covered, and then painting it a wonderful terra cotta. Well, really, you have to drop in to see it. It's worth a special visit. Steve, Jacque, Gwen, Connie, Joel, Julie.... Whoever else I don't know about. Hats Off! Oh, yes, I mustn't forget Marc and his hard work at an earlier time.

Then, besides the great room to start building a lending library, there is a great art show in the main room of the Center. Della Conroy has a show on called, "Mostly Landscapes." We hope to be ready for a public viewing by Thursday afternoon at five.

From then on, The Center will be open Thursday nights from five to eight, and Fridays and Saturdays from 10 to two.

I wonder if people realize that all of this work is done by volunteers for the benefit of all of the citizens and their quality of life - painting, music, talking, reading - ART. The part of life that makes all of the work of life worthwhile and fun. The part of life that makes Evansville an exceptional place to live and work. We hope that this summer will be the break-through year for our endeavors, and more and more citizens of our area will take advantage of this rich resource right in their midst.

We have worked hard to make this available and will continue to do so. We're "only" volunteers. How about that "only." Is there any better bunch of people in the world than those who volunteer to work for the good of all? Think about joining the ranks of the volunteers in the area of your interest. We would welcome you to help the rest of us volunteers at the Art Center, as well.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


See the comments after the last blog! My pitiful pearl act got some action. Thank you one and all!

A bit of fine snow is coming down as I am preparing to head to Battle Lake to the AOTL Board Meeting. According to the prognosticators nothing drastic is headed our way, so I will take them at their word and head out. I miss the BRIGHT sun on the snow, however as it is a rather gray day. The white is still extremely white, however, so that will have to do.

After the board meeting and lunch, I will head home and see what I have in store at the Coffeehouse Art Center. We are going to be having a lending library there. The room is all ready to go and I have not seen it yet. Very exciting. I will start arranging the books today and continue tomorrow. Wahoo, as I am always prone to say when exciting things loom! Double W.

Off into the snow. Stay warm and take care. (And I love comments! I won't wail and sob, but I DO love comments! Yowsah.)

Saturday, March 03, 2007

sun on snow

The assault on the eyes is glorious! After a few days of snow falling gently and then not so gently on the gray background, to see the bright light and distinct shadows is a blessing. My eyes can't get enough of it! As a borderline SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) sufferer my reaction to the sunlight coming back is extreme. Wow. It is great.
Finally, Minnesota had a good old fashioned winter snow storm. It was a rather wimpy storm as I compare it to some of the storms we have had in the last 30 years, but at least it was something. About a foot and a half of snow here. We didn't get the real blizzard stuff, so it was rather benign, but those to the south of us got the more wild stuff.
I was watching Canadian television and they were having some of the storms stuff, too. They were interviewing people on the street. One woman said she loved it. It was Canada, after all. That's the way I feel. Finally, a storm that makes me know I live in the greatest state of the 48 contiguous states. You have to be strong and valiant to live here! Of course, Wisconsin and Illinois got some of the worst of it, so I guess they qualify, too. To say nothing about the Dakotas! Wahoo.
The weather farther south was awful. All those tornadoes. Yup. I'll take the blizzard. Wow.
To change the subject, I was really pumped yesterday when I saw that my posting had received four comments. I let out a yell, clicked on comments, and found what I found. You will have to look yourself to check it out. You guys... leave me a comment now and then so I don't succumb to low esteem and loneliness. Please. sob, sob.
Have a BRIGHT and SUNNY day. take care.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The blessing of snow

Because Minnesota has been on the brink of drought, the snow is a great gift to us. Hopefully it will be a water-filled snow and go some way toward ameliorating the drought conditions. I guess in the northern reaches they need about 60 inches of snow, which probably won't happen, but we will get a healthy amount, I hope.

Last night we were at Christina Lake Lutheran Church for their Lenten Services. They are concentrating on missions for this Lenten season, and George was going to talk about Brazil and our stint there as missionaries many years ago. We got there for a supper served by the young people, and when we went up to the sanctuary, someone looked out and realized we were in the midst of heavy snow and wind. We sang two hymns and headed for home. I presume everyone made it. It was the usual exhilarating ride through poor visibility and snow pack. I actually kind of enjoy it because of the challenge and thrill. Hmmmmmm.

We also cancelled the meeting on Friday morning at which I was to speak about Paraguay. Izzy wondered why I would be speaking on Paraguay. The Christian Women of Paraguay organized and published the materials for the World Day of Prayer, which is on Friday. Their theme is "United under God's Tent." The following material is in the bulletin I received:

"It is wonderful to have the assurance that God receives us wherever and whenever we meet together in the Lord's name to pray. God's tent extends over all the places in the world where we are celebrating the World Day of Prayer service developed by the women in Paraguay."

Even though we will not be meeting because of the snow, we can join in these pray-ers in our own homes. And the men are also invited to join us!

Take care.