Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mission Accomplished

I feel rather proud. I finally got a picture posted ( a miserably dark picture, but still ) to match my last posting, and yesterday I did two of the things I have been planning for a long time.
Some time ago, I took two of my older paintings in to Randy to re-use the frames to frame two of my newer paintings. Much more cost effective than new frames. And I have been wanting to do some more painting on one of those paintings for a long time, anyway! Two birds with one stone, to use a cliche.
Then, in order to miss the predicted snow storm, I took the two newly framed paintings to Fergus one day early to enter them in the invitational art show that they hold each year. They have a newly constructed art center at the college that is fabulous.
I also organized and sent in my entry to a juried show of mid-western art sponsored by the New American Paintings magazine. I finally broke the entrance barrier and DID IT. I suppose I have been trying to get up the gumption to do that for at least 10 years. Now I will continue to attempt it until I succeed in getting into the show. I have broken the "entering" reluctance barrier, now I will continue until I break the "gaining entrance" barrier. Once broken initially, any task becomes easier the second time.
Now I must prepare a talk I have been asked to give on Friday for the World Day of Prayer. They are warning us of severe snow coming, so I don't know if the meeting will actually be, but it is good for me to read about Paraguay, anyway.
Okay. First, the gym. Then some painting. Then the talk preparation. My day is set. How about yours? Take care!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

3:00 AM

I'm looking at my reflection on the darkened window glass.. and behind me a reflection of my many books, stamp pads and tote bags. The stamp pads are in an antique printer's drawer, and the tote bags hang up on wooden pegs. The books are arrayed in the usual fashion.

I awakened aware that I should work on getting some paintings pictured and an entry typed to enter four paintings into a juried show. So that is what I am doing. After my computer crashed I had to get used to a whole other way of printing pictures. I think I have finally learned how to do it and print them. I have yet to find out how to post them to this site. Perhaps that will come in time! Or in a new computer! Perhaps my saying that will make this computer toe the mark. Right.

We are having a brief respite from the snow. The world is beautiful but dark. Take care.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Quiet Sunday

It's amazing how quiet it seems here in the "country." Those of you who live on farms can't see me describing my spot as "country" but compared to "city" it definitely can be called that. There is not much wind... not enough to make sound... and the pine trees are heavily laden down with snow. This is part of the the scene that meets my eye as I type this posting. The incredible part of it for me is the quiet. It almost assaults my ears.
I am trying to process my art experience of Friday. Each time I take a workshop there is something that ignites within me. Many of the times it is the fun I usually have in a group of people who are passionate about some of the same things I am. I am particularly taken with what I learned on Friday as it connects me with something I have wanted to explore for a long time. When our cousin Charles Olson visited a couple of years ago and saw my paintings he mentioned that it was too bad they had to be behind glass. I have pondered his remark and tried to find a solution. One of my favorite people bought a painting and put it behind museum glass. If you are not familiar with it, it is an absolutely invisible glass that still has UV protection against the sun. There is no reflection at all. Amazing! And amazingly expensive! I am on the trail of a method of presenting my art without glass. Stay tuned!
Another thing: I was experimenting with a Mark Rothko-like deal for creating fields of color to swoon over. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO excited. The draw-back to my plan is that I need to buy some different water-color pigment to proceed. The pigment is available at "Cheap Joe's Art Stuff" but is still pricey. So - I have been saving my pennies for a new computer - and now will have to add pigment to that goal. Oh, life is grand. I am pumped! Sooner or later all will fall into place. Stay tuned II.
Ah, the quiet. In the distance, I can now hear a snow blower. Awhile ago a snow plow came past. But, still, the main thing is the silence. A wonderful silent Sunday.
Oh, yes, a good Samaritan plowed out our driveway. Thank you, Darrell. Since George is still somewhat under the weather, it is doubly appreciated!
Take care. Enjoy the white stuff.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Soft Saturday

The snow is coming down in a determined fashion. I love it. All is quiet.

I also loved the workshop day, but I put my back off a bit. Too much leaning over at just that RIGHT angle. Or WRONG angle, depending on which way you look at it. Anyway, I am better today as is George. He was off his feed yesterday. Either a touch of food poisoning or a bit of stomach flu. He also is better today.

I am deep into thinking about a new way to do art. I think I have received a new way to "frame" my art as well as some new ways to do art. I am in seventh heaven researching it all and trying to think about what can happen. Of course, I have to buy some stuff. Always one of the draw backs to learning new things. I got my Cheap Joe's catalog out and started toting up the result of my mania. Oofta. But it is thrilling to me. Yowsa.

Now to go in and watch Saturday Golf. With the special pillow at my back. Double Yowsa. And I'm making chocolate chip cookies on the side. I stored some brown sugar in a jar and it got hard as a rock, so I moistened it up and put it in the microwave and it became sort of strange. So I measured it and realized I had just the right amount to make cookies. Voila. I actually have all of the ingredients at hand. So I don't have to put on snow shoes and head to Nelson's Store. Not that I own snow shoes, anyway!

Take care and have a spectacular Saturday.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Workshop Day

I'm getting geared up for a one day workshop in New York Mills. That's the town that has the Great American Think-off. Today they are involved in an art day. I love art workshops.

Today is going to be a strange conglomeration of feeling adequate and inadequate. When I first started this art stuff, I was always the new gal on the block, not knowing anything about anything. Now I am the old-timer who is usually in the know and helping others get settled. I love that. But more than that, I love learning new ways to make art.

I will report later on what I have learned and try to post an art "thing" in the new technique I will be learning. I am glad the big snow isn't supposed to come until tonight and tomorrow. And I am glad the big snow is coming. We can use all the moisture we can get. Take care and don't get stuck in any snow drifts.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ash Wednesday

This morning I entertained our book club. There were only three of us as the ill husband of one of our members took a turn for the worse. Only two of us had read the book recently, although the other had read it some time in the past. We had a great time reading the book and discussing Anne Tyler's books in general. My favorite, by far, is "The Accidental Tourist." We came to the conclusion we like her writing with her quirky characters and situations and we can overlook some of the less than fascinating outcomes.

I served a brunch of coffee, jello, muffins and deviled eggs. This is our set brunch and is an homage to our erstwhile member, Fran. We still miss her, and hope to travel down to see her again in the future.

Our choice for the next book is "Snowflower and the Secret Fan." I do not know the author. I'll have to log on Amazon or Barnes and Noble to try to find it.

Lent starts today. Church tonight with the symbolic ashes on the forhead. The symbolism of the ashes hits home to those of us of my age. We are actually staring into the jaws of death... in terms that some of the younger people don't think about. We really are going to die in the rather near future, while - although we all are going to die, period - it isn't as much on the minds of the younger folks. The fact that Jesus came to throw us a life-line into the after-life looms large in our thoughts. Thank you Jesus!

Take care.

Monday, February 19, 2007


I arrived at the gym this morning and went around the circle of machines once, having my usual good time when I realized I didn't feel very well. I went home, and then realized I hadn't remembered (!) to eat breakfast. Someone with diabetes should know that that is a no-no, but it simply escaped my attention. So I ate a piece of bread with peanut butter (not the brands that are thought to cause poisoning) and soon felt better! I got busy doing some projects that I am involved with, made lunch, and then started re-reading one of my favorite books.

It is "The Bean Trees" by Barbara Kingsolver. It's the kind of book that makes you glad that you are able to read. Thrilled, actually, and wishing you could also write like her. What fabulous writing. I have not been such a fan of her later books, but her first ones are aces.

On Wednesday my book club is coming to my house for a meeting. Two of our members have been in India for a month, and I was in Virginia for the month before that, so it is two plus months since we have met. We will be discussing "The Ladder of Years" by Anne Tyler. Pretty good, but not a favorite. I am eager to see what we each of us has to say about it and about our lives in general. The fourth member of our group has been struggling as her spouse has been ill. We are our own support group, all in the guise of a book club!

Take care.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Special Day

Today is Naomi's birthday. We celebrated with her when she was here. Jessie and Sadie also have birthdays in February, so we had a grand blow-out, as you can see! The little girls (Dru was here, too) didn't want to blow out the candles. But to eat the cake, it seemed necessary!
On this day I am remembering the day of N's birth. The night before, George and I with our son were watching television with Grandma and Grandpa. It was a movie with Don Knotts playing an astronaut. Gradually I became aware that I needed to take a trip to the hospital to get a bit of work done! We were on our way to Brazil, waiting for our visas and staying with my folks in Florida. We had thought we would be in Brazil for the big event, but the visa people dragged their feet and there we were, still in Florida. I must say I was glad. To be able to communicate with your doctor and nurses ranks high in my appreciation of a hospital stay.
My doctor kept telling me I was "elderly." I was 40. That seems the accepted thing, now, but at that time it WAS elderly for having a baby. My mom was 40 when she had me, too, so it must run in the family. All went well, but we stayed in the hospital for four days as Naomi needed special light treatment for jaundice. I had many roommates in that four days as it was a two person room. One woman came in in the morning and left before the evening meal! But the old lady stayed a full four days!
The whole experience is one of the most memorable ones of MY life. My folks were so gracious to give us room for the several months we stayed there waiting for our visas. John went to kindergarten in Bradenton. Naomi was two months old when we finally continued on our journey. The first night we stayed in Miami. Our motel was right on the water, and outside the window we could see the Onassis yacht! Naomi had an ear ache, so we stayed in the room looking at the yacht, while John and George went swimming in a pool that was on the roof of the motel. The next day we four intrepid travellers were off to our adventures in Brazil. and so on, and so on, and so on!
Happy Birthday, kid! You're the greatest!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I have been sorting through boxes of things which I have stored under beds. The plastic containers are great - long and flat - and protect the contents from dust. I have found diaries, old letters, poems, pictures, student projects (two stories written by my third year Spanish students and produced rather magnificently), and all sorts of odds and ends. All of my diplomas, way from grade school through College. My confirmation certificate and baptismal record. I actually have two baptismal records... one for July 12th and the other for July 13th. Was one a mistake so they replaced it with the other? They are both duly certified with all the requisite signatures. Does anyone know which was on a Sunday in 1930? That was no doubt the proper one. And my birth certificate with its cute little inked footprint. I wonder if it has any relationship to an inked image of my right foot now, 76 years later. I could try it out, but somehow I haven't the energy! Maybe, one of these days.

I hope you have a great time with your sweetie today. Take care.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunday White

The scene outside is WHITE with no sun. A flake or two of snow is drifting down. It is outstandingly beautiful, but I do like to have sunshine.
I am pretty pumped, however, as I succeeded in figuring out how to get a picture, put it in the My Picture file, and then publish it on the blog. I still cannot crop it, but all things seem possible. The title of the painting is "Lair of the She-wolf." When I had it in a gallery, the owner renamed it "India Print." You can take your pick... I stand by my own title as I am, afterall, the artist who created it! You, as the observer, can name it anything you jolly well please! That's art for you!
I have always kidded around saying that I am a dust farmer, but the magnitude of my crop success had never hit me until yesterday. We cleaned our bedroom down to the bare bones. It is now clean as a whistle. Took the bed apart, etc., etc... All is clean of dust. All I can think of now is that dust is slowly but inexorably collecting again. Is there any way to stop it? No. We live where dust and rust corrupt. One of the reasons I look forward to heaven is I am pretty sure there will be no dust OR rust there. We will be able to concentrate on the goal rather than constantly being bothered with the upkeep of things. That is my fervent hope.
I have managed to twirl the weighted hula hoop four times around my stodgy figure. That, in itself, is a small miracle. When (please notice, I said WHEN not IF) I finally succeed, I will include a picture of that olympic feat in this blog. Vicki doing the hula hoop! That'll be the day.
No... That'll be THE day. Take care.

Friday, February 09, 2007


I went to the gym this morning and got some complaints about the fact that I had not written a blog lately. I didn't say so, but I could have remarked that THEY had not written comments lately. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

I have not written lately because I don't have anything to say. I am completely bamboozled by all of the complexities of my computer and art life, and I am having a difficult time getting off the dime. Shall I get a new computer? Shall I enter a juried art show for a magazine entry? Shall I try to get a new computer so that I can crop pictures? If so, what computer? AAAGH. I don't have time to try to get slides of my art work, at the same time that I don't even know if I want to do that. AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH.

And so on and so forth.

I tried to get a picture on this blog, but it is proving beyond my capabilities with the programs I have at the present time. AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH. Stay tuned for the ongoing saga of AAGH. Take care in the cold!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I'm ridin' high!

Ok. I'm ridin' low! But in any event, I really loved the super bowl game. I know not much about football, but I enjoy seeing all those big men playing around in the rain. And I happened to be rootin' for the winning team. Wahoo.
Today is a day to go to the board meeting of the Art of the Lakes Gallery up at Battle Lake. I was in Virginia for the last month's meetings, so now I have to get up to speed on what is going on. I love all my art activity. I have not had a real opportunity to paint since I got back in Minnesota as most of my time has been spent in trying to get back up to speed on my computer. I'm about 80 percent back. Given time, I should be ok.
I am contemplating purchasing a new computer rather than patching up this old machine. Fran splurged and is having fun learning how to run a new Apple iMac. Our best wishes go out to her as she learns a new program. Actually, learning how to run an iMac should be a piece of cake for her. She just has to practice taking deep breaths before she panics. That is, she needs to take deep breaths and then THINK instead of panicking. (Ok. How do you spell that last word?)
She has her daughter right there to help her, too. So all should be fine in about a week!
I am still recovering from bowl watching. And I have all the wonderful memories of our visitors. The shrieks and giggles of two little girls reverberate in the house. I am content. Keep warm and take care.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Football Fever

I have to admit that I get caught up in the Super Bowl mania like so many other folks. George insists he does not like professional football, but I cannot be blase about it. I love all the hoopla and fun surrounding the games. I intend to pop some corn and glue myself to the set!

It is an extremely cold day. We had four females here visiting from Friday night through this morning. They are very courageous to set out in the cold, but have had no difficulties so far. It was exciting to have little ones here again playing with the ancient Fisher Price house and little wooden occupants of that house with their furniture and dog and car. Also the tinker toys and forest friends board game. All good. We also watched "Babe" and "Babe: Pig in the City." And ran around and giggled and tickled and shouted and had a great time! So cute. Naomi and her friend and two little girls.. four years and two years old. Adorable and fun. Great. Three of the four visitors have birthdays in February, so I made a birthday cake and we had multitudinous candles and sang Happy Birthday. Fun!!!!!!!!!!

Now it seems very quiet. Living in a small town is also extremely quiet as there are not the sirens and other sounds that one hears in the city. The snow is pristinely white. All is quiet until I start shouting at the TV screen this afternoon. I have decided to be a Colts' fan as I like Tony Dungy and remember when he was here as one of the coaches of the Vikings. Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Coooooooooooooooooooooolts. Yeah, man!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Yippee kae yai!

Yep. That's me on my horse at the gym. Thanks to Karen W who was the giver of the horse head and the photographer. Mary W. brought her husbands stetson, and we were off to the races! I also have a picture of me with a sombrero that I will share at a later time. I don't want to give you too much of a thrill.
We are trying to figure out how we can use foolish pictures of me at the gym as an advertising ploy. Please share any ideas. I have succeeded in doing the hula hoop for four revolutions and then the hoop fell down and hurt my knee, so the present thought is getting knee protectors for me and taking a picture of me doing that adventurous, REVOLUTIONARY, exercise. Pardon the pun. All ideas welcome, no matter how ridiculous. Actually, the more ridiculous the better!
We are going into the deep freeze this weekend according to the weather prognosticators. (See, Karen l, I have not forgotten you like long words!) The ground is covered with a beautiful snow mantle and it will be fun to stay in and watch the Super Bowl... I have some pop corn, so that will be our treat on Sunday afternoon. What are you planning? Something much more exotic, I'm sure. Just think, Izzy, you will miss out on watching the great game! Or is there an interest in American Football in Japan? Probably not. Now, baseball... The Japanese like that, I'm sure.
Stay warm and take care.