Thursday, January 31, 2008

By a Nose

It's interesting to have the parts of your face spiffied up occasionally. I'm like the movie stars. I have had my eye lids done and now I've had a nose job! I had a squamous cell carcinoma removed from my nose and I should have thought ahead and got hold of one of those Groucho Marx noses to wear. Too bad.

This is a very temporary condition. I am to wear this bandage for two days and then wear a bandaid. Eventually the doctor said there won't be any sign of this major surgery. Right. We'll see.

My next adventure into facial surgery will be to have cataract surgery the end of March. Such fun when you get old. Wahoo. I will not only be able to open my eyelids, but see through the eyes. That is a definite plus, you must agree.

Take care and stay warm!

Saturday, January 26, 2008


If these apparitions don't scare you, nothing will! My daughter and her dog went out for a session of cross country skiing during that REALLY COLD session we had last week. Please notice the paw protectors on el doggo... and the glowing eyes. wow. the skier's eyes were surrounded by ice on her eyelashes, but that does not show up on the picture. Hardy Minnesotans! wow.

She has started a new blog with several of her friends, and if you go to the Naomi link on my blog, there is a link to the new blog there, I believe. She and her doggo are now in Minneapolis.

George is still coughing, but we hope his bronchitis will soon be better. I am fine except for a sprained middle finger on my left hand. It is amazing how much work that finger does. Until a finger or toe is sore you have no idea. It is even noticeable in the typing of this blog. ... and opening the car door or picking up stuff. It is used a lot. I fell in the fluffy snow and had trouble getting up. I had to get at just the right angle to get enough leverage to hoist my aging body back to my feet. Oofta. Luckily I had my cell phone with me if I couldn't have gotten up I could have called for help.

Oh, yeah, and the other night we had a carbon monoxide scare. Our detectors went off at about 2:30 a.m., so we went outside and called 911. The lights were sort of dim and I guess the electricity was just faint enough it caused the detectors to sound off. We had the sheriff, the first responders and other folks in attendance, but it was caused by the blowout of a circuit breaker somewhere. After everyone was pretty sure it was the faint electricity which caused the problem we went back to bed about 4 a.m. Luckily there was no harm to my computer, but I had a terrible time reprogramming my TV and my VCR/DVD. sigh. These new addictions to technology take some attention.

We are going to have warmer weather this weekend. Hopefully not so warm that we will have melting problems. ... Then back into the deep freeze. Wahoo. Take care.

Monday, January 21, 2008


I just

finished writing a long blog entry and then it disappeared into that oddity called cyberspace. Bummer.

I was remarking about the beautiful cold sunny day. No wind, but about zero degrees. And the fact that Fran used good sense to change her plans again. It is, afterall, a woman's prerogative!

We read the book "love walked in" by Marisa de los Santos for book club. Donna liked it and Carol and I thought some of the writing was good, but we thought the plot was contrived and way too predictable. The fact that so many of the characters were stunningly beautiful also was a bit off-putting. That combined with the over use of movie references overcame the positive parts of the book for us.

We are going to be reading "Water for Elephants" for our next book. I have read it and have a copy of the book which I cannot find. Bummer.

Then we are starting a marathon read of "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett. It is Oprah's pict and is a tome. One needs to go to the gym to establish good arm muscles just to hold the book. It has good reviews, so we will see.

Have a good cold day! Take care.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Book Club

We have book club today. I don't know just what to think of the book we are reading. It has a few strengths and many weaknesses in my opinion. I will be eager to hear what the other readers think of it. I will let you know later.

And then it is to pick another book. That is always a challenge. Any suggestions?

We have doctor's appointments this morning, so up and on my way. Take care.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hi Ho

Just a quick note to let you know we're still alive and kickin'. We have been embroiled in health issues and many doctor's appointments, etc. As Naomi says, we need a social secretary to keep track of it all.

I last told you I was going to the eye doctor. Discovered I need cataract surgery, so we have been busy getting that started. The target date is March. George is busy with a herniated disc and the pain all down his right leg, and all the attendant work to decide what to do about that. And so on and so forth. Naomi has been here to help us with some of this, and we are doing well. It's just that I haven't had the moxy to chatter on about it. I will soon be back to my normal (!) self. Is that good or bad? We'll say good.

More later as George has a myelogram today and I am the appointed chauffeur. Take care.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

wow - Memories 11

You have stirred up the pot stirrer! Hmmmm. What should I blog about today as I now have 8 comments on the last blog? Eight. Good heavens.

I think I will write about something from my youth. I was a child with bad tonsils. As they had the theory then that they shouldn't remove tonsils until your tonsils were not infected I had a big problem. I usually missed one day a week of school sick at home with a pesky sore throat. Finally, the summer I was 15 my tonsils were good enough that they removed them at the hospital. I immediately drank tons of ice cold water, and then my throat would not accept anything else for a long time. I have the idea of two weeks, but that doesn't seem feasible.

When I finally recovered enough to have malts and shakes, I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. That must be one of the reasons people love to have their tonsils out! Another perk of being "weller" was that I finally got to go a summer camp.

The folks let me go to Girl Scout Camp. My first summer camp adventure. Six of us slept on canvas cots on board floors under a canvas tent. There were many such tents as this was a large camp.

I was a stranger to all of the other Girl Scouts there, so when I met a girl from another town I was nice to her (of course) and she promptly became my shadow. I was raised to be nice to people. She latched on to me as she didn't know anyone else, and the other girls were not very nice to her as she was a scholarship student from their town. One day we split up as I was taking lanyard making and she was in a pottery-making group.

All of a sudden the air was rent with terrific screams. They seemed to go on forever. We found out later that the girl whom I had befriended had bit another camper 18 times because the girl had said something disrespectful to her. 18. As a human bite is one of the worst bites for infections, I was certainly glad that I had been nice to her.

The moral of this story is be sure to be kind to those you meet because it is hard to know what the consequences of nastiness are. Besides... we should be nice. It's so much more fun than nasty. Take care.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Year!

This green should wake you up! Green is the color of new growth, and that is my prayer for all of us this year. I hope that we will allow new ideas and actions to flower into beautiful new inspirations.

My brain has been on vacation as I have been reading too much. My new chair is so comfortable that I have taken a quiet vacation sitting and reading. You know how a dog looks when he comes out of the lake and shakes the water off his coat? That is how I feel today. I am shaking myself and getting back in the game. I will have to limit the HOURS spent in the comfy new chair! I have an appointment with the eye doctor today. Perhaps new glasses will also help.

Take care. And may all your resolutions be good ones and be carried out! Aye, there's the rub. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!