Thursday, March 30, 2006

I'm feelin' better!

This is a picture of me 17 days after the eyelid surgery. This is illustrative of how much better I feel. Not completely well, but much better!

I even think I will try to go to the gym today. Wahoo.

We had a marvelous thunder and lightening spring storm last night. I am one of those people who love storms. My daughter and I have had some wonderful times living through horrendous storms together, and we both glory in them. Probably because nothing too bad has happened to us during those storms. They've just been bad enough to be invigorating. It's hard to imagine anyone who has lived through something like Katrina looking forward to any kind of storm. Now THAT was a truly horrendous experience. But for the moment, I still feel invigorated by thunderstorms.

I hope you all are feeling well today, too. I'll see some of you at the gym. vicki

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Ah Hah!

Posting two blogs in a single day has fooled the picture uploading genie into not boycotting my pix. This is a painting that I did called "The Sparks Fly Upward."

I came to the venture with the feeling that if I tried to upload a picture at a different time I could fool the genie and I did it! I feel totally pumped.

OK. I think I have burdened you enough for one day with my weird sense of humor. Have a great night and day! vicki


I finally got out of the house and feel like a new person. I still have a cold but no sore throat and the contact with people restored my energies. I took a shower, dressed in some of my new duds, and made a short visit to some of my painting friends in Alexandria. Then crashed in the car completely tired out. But I'm back in the game! I feel real. I haven't felt so real that I attempted to download a picture yet, but pretty darn close.

Tomorrow I have the wonderful chore of taking a mammogram. Although that is a far from pleasant chore, it is very necessary. That should take the energy for tomorrow. And I can rest up on Thursday. Maybe I'll even have the energy to go to the gym. WE'll have to wait to see.

Many different art deals are hanging. Literally! One painting accepted to the LRAC Show this spring, Have to collect two paintings from the other show out at the Waage Gallery, and take two paintings up to Hawley. On Saturday we are going to Hawley with the paintings, and then on to Fargo for our old folks' day out. Have to visit Barnes and Noble. Then Red Lobster for lunch. Then Michael's to see what art stuff they can interest me in. Then???? home.

It's so much fun to feel that little burbly thing in my breast that let's me know I'm still me and I'm ALIVE. Yes.. I have to say... WAHOO.

Monday, March 27, 2006


Well. I still am not having luck downloading a picture to this blog. I guess I broke the proverbial camera with that last one. Sorry.

I had a splendid picture to include today to make up for the erstwhile horror. But it was not to be. I wonder what I have to do to resolve this problem. Any suggestions from those of you who are more acquainted with blogdom than I?

I am missing exercising with my friends, but I believe the best thing to do is lay low. I had a so-so night last night with a recurrence of coughing. Shucks. I thought I was well and totally over the cough. Ah, well. Patience.

No news from the quiet of my home. More non-news tomorrow, no doubt.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Feeling better today!

Hmmmm. I was trying to insert a picture here and the blogger told me I couldn't. Perhaps they were too put off by yesterday's picture. Who could blame them, after all.

I had a good night's sleep. Actually in bed with the new fluffy pillow. Didn't cough as far as I know all night! Wow. I still feel the scratchy throat, etc., but it's much better.

I am staring out the window at the birds in the trees. I am trying to find something to say. I am drawing a blank. So. Until tomorrow. (I just thought of something! Maybe my throat is better and my brain is empty. ..... Some of you would say that is a definite improvement!) Sayonara.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


I want you to feel my pain. This cold has got me down. This is a picture of me after I had my eyes "done." And it should give you some idea of how horrible I feel from this cold, as well as discouraging any one else from having surgery on their eye lids. I had to have mine done as the eyelids were starting to refuse to stay open. Not good if you like to read or watch television. But I can't quite see doing surgery just for appearances. This should discourage you. I hope it doesn't keep you from ever opening this blog again. Oofta.

Well. I had the worst night last night of my ordeal of this cold. Sore throat and coughing all night. Bummer. And I have to confess that as I look at that terrible picture of me, it makes me laugh. A variation of schadenfreude, Izzy. Anything to raise my spirits. Sigh.

Have a good day. Right. Cough, cough.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Fine Balance

I mentioned the book about India called "A Fine Balance." Although I painted this painting sometime before I read the book, I knew it depicted what Mistry meant - "There is a fine balance between hope and despair." This painting is now in the collection of Randy and Ginger Fletcher, but it still speaks strongly to me, as did the book.

I have been whining enough, now, about coughing and sore throat, etc. and it's about time I get more realistic and think of those who are really having a tough time to survive. Why did I luck out and live where I lived in a family who believed in educating the girls as well as the boys? I have had so many freedoms which are denied the women of other countries. I have always had enough and then some to eat. I can purchase books to read, and if not purchase, there are always the libraries. I am free to worship God as I choose without problem. I have had a cushy life.

I am making it my business to enjoy my life to the fullest and give thanks to God for his many blessings to me. I hope that I can make a contribution to the happiness of others in the days which follow. The trick is to find those who my particular gifts will bless. I pray God to get in there and show me who, when and where.

The first step will be fascinating. "A Fine Balance" will be necessary. And then, who knows?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Blogging, Beautiful Blogging

This is a picture of my wonderful sister, Fran. I just wanted to place it here to catch her attention. If she isn't checking my blog, she should be. You never know what I will include. So - all of you out there - treat me well, or I might put your picture in my blog. Not that Fran doesn't treat me well. She does. But she abandoned me for the big city, so she has to be prepared to take her knocks. I presume she will simmer down before she gets near enough to me to be a problem.

What do you think, Karen? Am I getting out of control with my staying home, coughing, and endless reading? Well, if I am, I will have to let it out in blogland. I have missed innumerable exercise sessions (well, not innumerable, but several) and some meetings, church services, etc.

The great thing about being retired (for me) is that I try no longer to do the things I ought to do, but only the things I want to do. The exercise part I want to do because of the fun (yes, Karen, I said fun) people I have met there. It's nothing but a delight.

Now, if I can shake this bug and get back to doing what I want to do, I will be thoroughly ecstatic. I will even be able to look forward to the belly dancing class. Wahoo. Maybe I am getting out of control. One can only hope.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Still more books....

Another one with ties to Japan: "The Samurai's Garden" by Gail Tsukiyama. Then there's "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd and "The Green Knight" by Iris Murdoch. Etc, etc. The last one is a fantastic literary creation.

Well, I am still at home with coughing fits and a head cold. I am not getting appreciably worse or better, so I will continue with my self medication: Plenty of liquids and READING. The bugs that are swirling around the area are daunting, so I feel the better part of virtue is to indulge myself by just staying home. Cof Cof Cof Cof.. ad infinitum.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

More books

Alright. I'm on a roll. How about "The Life of Pi" by Yann Martel. Or "A Fine Balance" by Rohinton Mistry? Both with a tie to India. Both absolutely fascinating. "The Children of Sanchez" by Oscar Lewis about Mexico.

I have another book in mind that I cannot find and don't remember exactly about Japan. I will ask around until I get the particulars.

I am indulging in one of the most wonderful vacations in my life: re-reading an old favorite. I am reading "The Bee Keeper's Apprentice" by Laurie R. King for about the fifth time. One of her other books which was written later, "O Jerusalem," is about a pause in this book, so now I am reading that in its "proper place." I am feeling so lucky to have these old friends to read. They are still as fascinating as ever. I suppose of all "my" writers, she is my favorite.

Well.. off to my delicious self indulgence. I have a sore throat and a head cold, but who cares? I can READ. Have a great day.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Cof, Cof

I feel awful. I wonder how many people feel that way after over indulging in green beer and pretzels. I only have a cold, but I feel miserable. Sore throat and cough. sigh.

I am trying to make up a book list of favorites. I am working on it. I have come up with some mystery writers. Of course, the old favorites are John MacDonald with his Travis McGee series and the Nero Wolfe books by Rex Stout. The Travis McGee ones hold up better than the Nero Wolfe ones do, I think. Of the new writers, Robert Crais with his Elvis Cole and Joe Pike characters and Tony Hillerman with the wonderful feeling of the Arizona desert. For a "one-off" I loved "Smilla's Sense of Snow" by Peter Hoeg.

Ok. Enough already for today. I am heading for my recliner, Kleenex and cough drops. By tomorrow I should feel much better. May you be protected from all the bugs wandering the universe. Cof. cof.

Friday, March 17, 2006

St. Pat's Day

Ah, yes, green. I was going out today wearing a blindingly green sweater even though I am of 100% Norwegian ancestry, but I awoke with a bad sore throat. I am going to hit the deck and try to recover good health. That is the great thing about being retired. I don't HAVE to go to work unless I want to.

At book club yesterday the hostess served a wonderful egg dish which I will pass along to you:


1 10 oz pkg. of either frozen broccoli, spinach or asparagus, chopped - 1 cup sour cream - 1 cup cottage cheese, creamed - 1/2 cup Bisquick - 1/4 c. margarine, melted - 2 eggs - 1 tomato, peeled and thinly sliced - 1/4 cup parmesan cheese grated - 4 slices bacon.

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 10 inch pie plate to spread broccoli (or spinach or asparagus) in bottom. Blend next 5 ingredients for 1 minute. Brown bacon and crumble over broccoli. Pour blended mixture over bacon. Top with bacon and parmesan cheese. Bake about 35 minutes. Cool 5 minutes.

Now, Izzy, you will have the fun (if you are planning to make this marvelous gustatory delight) of trying to figure out the equivalent things in Japanese stuff. Not easy. Maybe you can print it out and wait until you get home. I wish you were here right now and I would make it for you. Although it sounds as though you are getting fed well there!

I tried to think of books that you would like. Give me some sort of hint of the kind of books you have read. My taste as a 75 year old woman won't necessarily help you out.. but I could try if I once got on the trail of what kind of thing you have been reading or like to read. I LOVE TO READ. It has gotten me through many a hard time. I love to read mysteries. Do you think you would like them? I have some favorites I could recommend. Fill me in.

I went shopping yesterday at Herberger's as they had one of their fantastic sales. I got two jackets that I love. Wow. While I was in California I watched lots of the cable shows about how people dress and then their friends would "out" them as awful slobs and someone would give them a make over, etc., etc. So I thought I better get busy to improve my look before my friends got fired up enough to embarrass me in front of the whole USA.

It is beyond my comprehension how people come on Dr. Phil or Oprah or (worst of all) The Jerry Springer Show and let everyone in on their deepest and darkest secrets. What is it? Hunger for a little doubtful fame, or just desperation to get help no matter what? I'm way too Norwegian for all that sharing, thank you very much. Of course, I don't think I have any deep dark secrets, either. I could make one up just to get on a show, I suppose, but it would be embarrassing when they did some homework and discovered I was just lieing. I am cursed with mediocrity. Or blessed. It all depends on the point of view.

Enough dithering on. Happy Green Day. Look back two postings or so to see the green hornet. Now he makes for a Happy Green Day.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Books are the Best

Today is my book club. We meet about every month. We choose the book for the next meeting and then find the book and read it. We discuss the book at the next meeting. But we discuss so much more than books at our meetings. The books are really only a spring board to a far ranging discussion of our lives and current events. We are very close friends. Intimate friends, I might say. One of our group does not have e-mail. We keep trying desperately to convert her to being a computer-user, but so far have been unsuccessful. We will try again today!

I have been retired now for about seven years. The truism that you become more busy after retirement has become somewhat true for me. My calendar fills up fast. The difference is that I don't have to go to work every morning come rain or come shine. I can lollygag around most mornings, and if I have a cold I can just hit the deck and not go to the myriad activities planned. I soon recover and can get back on the merry go round. I can also pick and choose the activities in which I wish to participate.

I signed up for the belly dancing class and paid my money. Now I look at my calendar and realize that one of the evenings I have the annual poetry night down town at the Coffeehouse Art Center. It is the ninth annual such event and oodles of fun. I haven't written my poem yet. I want to shine up one I am working on about my propensity for falling. I will keep you informed. On that same day I have an art workshop during the day for which I am the contact person. So you can see the kinds of conflicts that afflict the retired.

I'm off to my book club.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Green Hornet?

I couldn't resist sharing this picture with you today. It has nothing whatsoever to do with what I wanted to say, but I just love this picture. It's my grandson Matt, of course.

So.. the die is cast. (Where did that expression come from, do you suppose? I don't have one of those books that tell you the source of all of our idioms, but MY idea is that the die is one of a pair of dice, and once it is thrown, you have the result. Nothing more to be done about it. ) Anyway, I am going to take the belly dancing class. I know you all will be awaiting with bated breath (another of those mysterious idiomatic sayings) for a report of this experience, so I will keep you posted.

On a more somber note, a dear friend, Irene Baldwin, has died. As I grow old, more and more of my dear friends are dieing. Irene had suffered from either dementia or alzheimers for some time and didn't know anyone, so - as they say - it's a blessing that she has been released and gone home to heaven. She had an extraordinary musical ability which she used to its best advantage for many years teaching school and in the church. And she also had a wonderfully acerbic wit. She would tell it like it is, and you always knew where you stood with her. If she didn't like something she didn't hesitate to let you know. The reverse was also true. If she liked something she didn't hesitate to give positive feedback. I miss those days of comaradarie that we had. I imagine her up in heaven setting the angelic choirs in their ranks and insisting they sing the right notes. And, for pity sakes, sit up straight.

It is very much colder today. We haven't had snow, but it looks as though they are getting a lot in other parts of the state. Stay warm!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Heaven's to Betsy

I cannot tell you what joy it gave me to actually see a comment on my blog. Someone is reading my drivel and has the temerity to say he enjoys it! I am his slave for life. Plainly that is hyperbole, so please don't think I will be a slave for only one comment. But I am giddy with pure joy, nevertheless. Thank you.

Well. Winter is starting its ugly time. thaw, snow, thaw, dirty snow, thaw, slush, mud, SPRING. I suppose we are in for a few tournament blizzards yet. Who knows? ( For those of you not from Minnesota, it is the going wisdom that when the March tournaments start, the blizzards also descend upon us.) This is not a typical weather year, so we might actually start Spring tomorrow. That would be ok with me, I guess.

I can remember landing in California and being absolutely shocked and thrilled by the GREEN there. When I returned to Minnesota, I had had enough green and was thrilled by the startling WHITE snow. My eyes evidently feast on the color they have not been seeing lately. I am fickle about it all. An equal opportunity color lover. Absence makes the eye love more?

Off to my day. Off to check my daily blogs. Happy Sunday. vicki

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Slushy Saturday

A gray day with water, slush and snow out the window. Ugh. However, rather soon they are predicting that we will have significant snow with colder temperatures. We'll have to wait to see what transpires!

Several of my friends may concescend to leave a comment on this blog so I will feel less like a person writing for my own enjoyment alone. I called Naomi and she said just to check "other" and then put your name or initials. You can do anonymous if you choose, but that is only for rank cowards. growl growl. Of course, I know that no friend of mine is a rank coward. Maybe a coward, but not rank. Right.

I am still contemplating the belly dancing deal and have ALMOST (get that almost, Karen?) decided to do it. I will have made up my mind by Monday.

Tuesday is my Book Club. We are discussing "A Passionate Man" by Joanna Trollope. If any startling insights are revealed by the group, I will pass them on. She is a great author. I was intrigued and full of questions after the reading. I will let you know our wonderful wisdom later.

Then in the afternoon a group is getting together in Evansville to work on a book we are going to put out on the occasion this July of the 125th anniversary of the founding of our fair city. A group has already been hard at work for some time and they have asked me to lend a hand as the accomplished writer that I am. Right.

Well. Off to the drudgery of a sludgery day. I hate gray days. vicki

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Wow. I just got back from the gym that I go to. It's called "It Figures" and it is the greatest. Hats off to Barb. She has three new machines in for us to try out to see if we like them, and which of the two elliptical "pacers" (I don't know the correct terminology) are the best. I really like one of them, but my buddies like the other one. Sigh. And a new bicycle machine that I just love. I may get a really vigorous work out if the machines come to stay. I am excited! I go to the "gym" to work out for the good of my body, but the fun we have is SO good for my soul. It is a lively group and my special workout buddy, Karen, has become a good friend. Life is always exciting, and new friends are an especial gift from God.

We are also being invited to a belly dancing class. Hmmm. They keep reassuring me that I can keep my regular clothes on. I don't need the bare midriff (does that have two fffffffs?) and bells, but I have really a hard time envisioning myself doing this. Stay tuned.

Today is rather springlike, although I look out and see snow. If the temperature stays as it is, it should be horrible looking rather soon. Of course, the joke about Minnesota is that if you don't like the weather wait 10 minutes ... it will change. The trouble is, it doesn't always change to the better! However, the variety is exciting.

If I do take that belly dancing class, I promise to include a picture of the outfit I finally decide to wear. I can guarantee that it will be a disappointment! Such fun. Have a GREAT day.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Books are the Best

This is a rather blurry image of a painting I did on commission. It is one of three in that series in my love affair with pears.

I stayed up until 4 last night finishing a book. I am an avid reader, but I haven't done that for a while. The first book I stayed up all night to read was "Beau Geste." I still have that book. It is now 60 years old. I remember pretending to have fallen asleep with the light on and the book on my breast. My brother Bud, who was getting ready to go on his early Sunday morning paper route, was attracted by my lamp, softly tip-toed into my room, tenderly turned off the light, took off my glasses and put my book on the bedside table. He was so sweet but I still remember the feeling of wanting to say "boo" to scare him. I resisted the impulse and played possum.

Today I go to Battle Lake to the board meeting of my art group. That is always fun and invigorating. A feisty bunch. Then I am taking two quilt tops to a shop to investigate getting them quilted. That is the labor of love that I have written about before, the pieces of our nephew Peter's Indonesian shirts that I made into tops for quilts for his two children.

Now it will be to decide how they should be quilted. Decisions, decisions! I have previously hand quilted four quilts. As I finished the last of the four I made a decision never to hand quilt another quilt. I am sticking to that decision and taking the tops to a professional machine quilter. Machine quilting makes a stronger quilt and is a whole lot easier on the finger tips.

Take care and have a wonderful Tuesday!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Favorite Minnesota Lake

I am trying to enter this painting in the juried show at the Lake Region Arts Council Gallery. It is a painting I did of the lake at Scenic State Park, our favorite place in all the world. I priced it high hoping that no one will buy it, and if they do, it will be enough to assuage my sorrow. This painting thing is so interesting.. to paint so that it is interesting to you. Once I was able to paint semi realistically, I no longer really wanted to! "Been there done that" kind of feeling. I am beginning to feel that I will go back and do it again. Yes. I think I will. Especially when summer is here and I can do it plein aire. We haven't been camping for awhile, so we can do it again. I will take all of the paraphernalia for painting with me and we will set up a screen tent and I will paint.

We sleep in our conversion van and set up two screen tents... one for cooking and the other for painting and reading and just lolling around. It is a great thing to do. Yup. This summer.

Meanwhile, I will take three pictures of paintings up to Fergus Falls this morning and then we will eat Chinese food for lunch. Sounds like a plan. Have a great Friday!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Back at it

Well, I had to remind myself why I chose the name two pair and a spare for this blog. Here it is again. One of my paintings that George titled.

I am presently trying to paint. It isn't going too well. So I just keep on painting. I have a notice on my computer room door that quotes Van Gogh as saying "By Painting one becomes a Painter." If that is true, maybe there is yet hope for me! I am persisting.

Last night after choir practice we came out into a gentle snow. Today there is an accumulation of about two inches. Enough so that the trees are slightly flocked and the world looks clean again. And we are as clean as the snow because of what Jesus has done for us. We are in Lent. A time to contemplate the life, death and ressurection of Jesus.

Have a great day. I will be painting. Wish me well! vicki

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I have so much to say

Yesterday as I was driving along in the car, I composed a whole message. I was taking two paintings up to the annual spring show at the Community College in Fergus Falls. Before this time they called themselves The Fergus Falls Community College. Straight-forward and information-giving name. Now their name is Minnesota State Community and Technical College. I never know who is sending me the message until I open the envelope and realize what it is. Like calling a housewife a domestic engineer. Or all the other politically correct changes. I wonder if all the community colleges now have the same name and you have to look at their mailing address to figure out who it is? Probably.

Well, that was not the message I composed. But then I got detoured by my disgust with all the pc business. My daughter-in-law kept correcting me when I said someone was oriental with the information I should say asian. etc., etc. I doubt if I will be able to keep up with all of the changes in vocabulary, but I'm game to try.

Now, back to the message I composed in my head on the way to Fergus... and back. One of the things that was said in the books I read in California was that the US was the first country EVER to be founded on the idea that every man was created with equal rights. (At the time they didn't include black men or women, but we are attempting to correct that.) The European nations had royalty and other entitled types that were born in a higher position that others and automatically were able to boss the rest. And one person (I think it was John Adams) said that the south was attempting to go ahead in the European mode with some people just being born above others. He predicted that if there ever were a civil war it would be fought over that issue. He felt the south just wanted to be another country under some king, preferably the English king, with the plantation owners being the nobility. Interesting to think about.

We are the first country to be founded on equal rights. We have, through the years, taken this fantastic idea forward and are attempting to continue with it. It is difficult because we have sort of faltered on the features necessary to stay independent. Our citizenry has become lazy and filled with feelings of entitlement rather than feelings of responsibility. I am filled with apprehension about the next years. We have made it for more than 200 years, can we continue? It will take the dedication of our citizens to education and an abandonment of self indulgent life styles. Hmmmmmmmmmm. A large order. vicki