Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hopefully the Last Fall!

You all know that I am famous for my knowledge of how to fall due to my extensive experience in that department.

I started falling and breaking bones as a child. I then developed what I chose to call the TUCK AND ROLL technique which has served me relatively well... through college, and into adult hood. What is a mystery to me is why I fall so often. Am I just a klutz, or what?

My latest tuck and roll experience was falling DOWN the UP escalator. I fell and tucked and rolled and rolled and rolled until someone finally shut the escalator off. It was a thrill to see those sharp steps continue coming at me. I was relatively unscathed, however, with only minor abrasions and cuts.

WELL, I finally have had what I hope is my last fall. There was no opportunity to either tuck or roll. But it was spectacular.

To get into the back seat of John's pickup, I first put my foot on the step and then hoist myself up to catch the hand hold and swing myself into the back. I successfully put my foot on the step, but my leg didn't have the strength to hoist my hand up to the hand hold. So I was launched backwards onto the blacktop! First onto my back and then my head hit. Whammo.

After I got my breath back, I was relatively ok. It has taken a while, but I feel as though I am completely back to my normal aches and pains.

I have learned that although Tuck and Roll is good advice, it isn't always possible!!!


Sharon said...

I missed you~ Tried calling a couple times then remembered your trip out to DC, It sounded eventful. I had my eyelid surgery done and look like a surprised raccoon. Welcom beck to spring, robins and all.
The Blue Cloud Abbey retreat is May 3-5 so mark it on your calander. sharon

Anonymous said...

I have no comment on the falling thing. I've had a couple myself. One time on my visit to Wash.D.Ç. when I went there with Janice and Joe. Walking down the street they didn't notice that I had turned an ankle and was no longer with them. The main thing is that you recovered. Just keep upright so that you can come to my party in July. I am working on my plan to be a relatively spry 90...you work on being a spry 80 . Bud and Elaine plan to fly in! Love, GGFran.

Ms. Larson said...


Anonymous said...

As you know I am busy getting ready for my 90th birthday party. Janiece is my social secretary. You and George must come. Remember how much fun we had at my 80th and your 70th at lake Waubesa. The Holiday Inn is just a step away. Your birthday present is a stay at a lovely Inn anytime between the 16th and 21st of July.Let me know so I can put your name on a room. Hopefully Naomi can come with Morgan and Steve and maybe Roy.

Karen L said...

As long as you stay relatively unscathed with your tuck and roll routine it appears that you will have to deal with a life long affliction.

Anonymous said...

Do you ever have time for lunch between falls? Ruth and Mickie miss you.