Tuesday, June 08, 2010

wow, wow, wow, wow....

I was going to type "wow" 80 times in honor of my eightieth birthday... but that seemed a bit excessive. Yeah! I'm 80 today. WOW. My sister, who is 90, thinks I'm a mere piker.. but I rather like 80.

Now that I'm going to be a hiker, I've got to make use of every day. Besides which I better be sure to get in my June blog or I will hear about it from said 90 year old.

I come from a line of "long livers." Every time I say that I have the picture in my mind of people with lengthened livers... but you no doubth get my drift. We three siblings have managed to keep on ticking into our 80s and 90s. Wow......

Now I am beginning this new career. Getting my feet into shape for hiking. That is no small matter. I've had a bit of trouble, but it all seems to be getting ironed out. It is difficult to get the right arch supports, etc.

Onward and upward and downward... wherever the trail leads. Whoopee!


Karen L said...

Wow x 80!

Anonymous said...

You'll find much up and down here when you visit in July. It's a goal setter --Helena Mt. That isn't Mt. St.Helena which is in Seattle. I think. Anyway that's the one that erupted. Our Mt. Helena is in my view from my computer. Nice talking to you on your birthday. Hope you have a good time in Virginia. Greet the new graduate of the National War Çollege. They read the Greg Mortenson books , Right? I just bought the little children's rendition about his work. He lives in Bozeman. Last week he gave a talk here but all the tickets went" before you could spit". That's a new colloquialism I just invented. "Oh, to be 80 again" Glad you can appreciate it. 90 isn't bad either. Love, Fran.

Anonymous said...

I should have said --90 isn't bad --unless you look in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Get your fingers ready ---it's very close to being July.Another letter -blog-- is waiting in the wings,waiting to be written.. Love, Fran. .

Anonymous said...

It is July! Fran