Monday, April 20, 2009


OK, KL.... you have hit the nail on the head. I was stuck with nothing to say to you all. But now I feel un-stuck. You have done it with your great comment. It was also great fun to see you and KW and the others at the gym. I couldn't do much, but it's so much fun to talk and laugh.

KW is taking a fantabulous trip to Ireland. So the care and prodding of yours truly has been passed on to KL. They try to keep me up and running as much as possible.

It is a windy rather disagreeable day. Brrrr. I suppose we'd think it was mellow if it were winter time, but I want sun and warmth and green grass, thank you very much.

Oh, well... in due time. Take care, y'all.


Karen L said...

If I could add "the ability to un-stuck people and their machines, people and their thoughts" to my resume' what would my job description be?

Anonymous said...

I look for your blog every day when I start my gazette writing. So glad to see this one. It indicates that you are feeling better. It is supposed to be 80 degrees here tomorrow. Very mild today but a breeze. So I sat outdoors and read for while after going to the library. Keep them coming --the blog. that is. love Fran.

Karen W said...

Yeah!!! A new blog!! Thank you so much for coming to the gym. It is always such a treat to have you there!! Turns the drudgery of exercise into something I look forward to very much!!!

KL. .. I LOVED the "un-stuck-em"!!! When I read it I heard it in Tiggers voice and it was GREEEAAATTT!!! Don't forget Vicki's wakeup call around 9:30 am!!

Anonymous said...

It's 80 degrees here today so I sat outside during my walk and read my book. This nice summer day should be traveling eastward so you should have it tomorrow. I think you should get to feeling chipper with summer weather. Love, Fran

Karen L said...

Enough already! Yesterday it was 3 times that I had to get Jeffrey out of the mud. Where is the sun and the 80 degree days to make the fields suitable to be in?