We have been having a great time. John is manfully trying to help me reorganize and clean my "Vicki" room. Just a little progress has been made, but having a start is really helpful. He is also going to see that I get more RAM. As if I know what that is. However, I do know what it looks like and where to put it when it arrives. Hopefully, after the addition, my computer will work faster. We are such gluttons for FAST... but it is a bit slow.
We have been playing games as well as fishing. George has been trying to set up a croquet set in the backyard. He has succeeded with that, but it is bumpy and not completely successful. We have another game that is flawed in the production. Balls that are supposed to attach to strings come off... so that has to go back to the maker.
We just could not have had better weather. It is very windy but beautiful. In the next blog I will try to include another picture. Take care.
That is the cutest picture of Matthew. fabulous catch.His red hair is still just as cute. So much fun to see the new generation.
I have been reading the book you recommended. I will write my review in an e-mail. We are back to degrees in the 70's instead of nineties. Of course, I love the hot weather better.. I will have to get out my warmer clothes. Love, Fran.
What an adorable picture!! I can hear your joy at having your son and grandson visit for a few days. I'm sure they are just as entertained with you as you are with them! Not everyone has a cool Grandma like you!
The "Vicki Room" . . . . you really should do a painting about this. I can relate because I think we all have mountains we are trying to conquer but never attain the victory. Try, try again.
Hope to see you on Monday!
So much fun with the fam! Mom, check out my new pictures on facebook! love you, Na
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