Saturday, November 15, 2008

I'm still here - sort of

I had avoided buying "My Sister's Keeper" because of its subject matter. When it came up to be read in Book Club I had no choice but to wade in. What a tour de force. Jodi Picoult is a gifted writer. There are multiple characters, and she stars them as the narrator in alternating chapters. She has done it in a way that doesn't confuse. That in itself is miraculous. But the story itself is utterly fascinating.

Kate is born and thrives until she is about four years old. It is discovered she has a disease that is fatal unless she can find a matching blood donor. Her older brother is not a match. So her parents find out that if they can have a "correct" baby, the umblilical cord can be harvested to save her life. With scientific help they "engineer" a child that is a perfect match for Kate. That embryo is implanted and then born, and the placenta and umblilical cord are saved and are used. Anna is the child who saves her sister Kate.

The story as played out is absolutely enthralling.

Well, it's true I am still here. Whether I am still kickin' remains to be seen. Take care.


Anonymous said...

Do you remember the name of that Christine Lahti film we are hunting? Fran.

Ms. Larson said...

What a crazy idea for a novel!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you're still kickin'. . . . just what you are kickin' is the question?!

I must confess. . . . I skipped today. It's all your fault!! I just couldn't bear the thought of going to the gym and not seeing you!!! Sniff, sniff.

Anonymous said...

I am still kickin' also.....corn harvest will soon be over and then back to seeing my exercise friends if only for a few weeks before we start singing "leaving on a jet plane" for sunny down under.

Ms. Larson said...

Okay Mom, this is comment #5...get on it!