Thursday, December 29, 2005

Romeo and Juliet

I love this painting and have it hanging in my back hall. It is one of the first large wild mixed media I did on paper. I imagine the fish on your right being Romeo who is charging through a trap to rescue Juliet. I was explaining this to a little girl and she said, "Oh, no. Those are bulls in a bull fight." I immediately changed the name to "Fantasy." The story is in the eye of the beholder! However, I do have the right to MY fantasy, and while it is hanging in MY house, it is going to be Romeo and Juliet.

It is misty today and six inches of snow is predicted. I welcome snow for its beauty. Especially when the temperatures are rather mild. I also do not have to shovel. I must go and continue my quilting. vicki larson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For those who want to see Romeo and Juliet slightly bigger, click on the painting and it should bring up a bigger image of it. Once again, Mom, nice work! Love you