Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Two Pair and a Spare

This is the fabulous painting! It is now sold and in someone else's hands. Hopefully hanging on their wall! One has a moment of mourning for a painting when it is sold. It is like moving away from an old friend. The friend is not dead, but will not be in your everyday life again. Which pear do you think is the spare? YUP. The one in the middle which is half yellow so it will fit in with those on the left, and half red so it can go with the ones on the right. Well, that is getting a little fanciful. Actually, that is getting a lot fanciful.

A cousin whom I had not seen for over 50 years visited today for lunch. It was great catching up on the news and touching base again. We went to the same college at the same time. His brother lives in the cities (Mpls/St. Paul!) and we will be able to get reacquainted with him the next time we hang out there. Chuck was returning from a trip to Antarctica and Chile. I kidded him that now he could check out the natives of Minnesota. I was pleased that he would take the time to drive a total of 5 hours to check us out. Thank you, Chuck.

Enough for today. I appreciate your comments. If you don't know how to comment let me know and I'll tell you how.

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