Take care.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Bunny Blog
Take care.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Such fun to get to know them a bit more in person. Strange sensation. They are so much fun. We got some chance to talk, but we finally had to quite as I was monopolizing them. Go figure. Such sweeties. I also got a chance to chat with Izzy's siblings, John and Greta. I was teacher to them both, so they greeted me with mixed feelings!
Another thing I want to tell you about. I went in the shower last week with my "ears" on. Luckily the ear guy and I had talked about that already and he had reassured me that it would probably be ok if I should do that. It was. I am more and more enamored of my new ears. I tried to answer the phone yesterday with them off and I had to hand it to George as I could not decipher what was what.
I have more to tell you about the bunnies. I looked out my computer window and there sat two bunnies. One hunched down in the grass and the other a bit farther off seemingly keeping watch. They stayed there for a long time. Later George discovered a little nest in the grass... and there were some little squirmy little bunnies, covered with grass. Now we see one of the bunnies come and nestle down there. I suppose it is the mother bunny feeding the babies. I have some pictures of this I will share next blog...
Take care.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Lush Landscape
We moseyed up to Battle Lake Sunday evening and the scenery was breathtaking. When Minnesota decides to be beautiful, it certainly succeeds.
Today I went to the ear guy again. Trying to get a nice balance between the voices I want to hear and those which are just annoying noise. You'll just have to guess which YOU are!! No. When one is in a big group of people I think it is hard for everyone to hear, not just those of us who are hearing challenged. I find it is just amazing when I take my "ears" off how I feel encased in cotton batting. They definitely help. But I do reccommend MY ear guy to you. He's a peach.
I have another painting I'm working on. I am toying with calling it "Seven Sisters" after Patty and Jodi's song and the seven hills north of here. We'll see how it goes.
Naomi got back from her hike today all in one piece. I only talked to her for a minute but they had nice weather and a great time. Four days must seem like a stroll in the park after the five week stint in Spain!
Thanks for all your comments. I am blushing with joy. Take care.
Monday, July 21, 2008
all right, already
This is one of the paintings that I painted at the workshop. The teacher was Cal deRuyter.
I was all tired out after all the exertion, but am feeling rather well. My ears need tuning up. I go back on Wednesday. I had to miss last week because of the workshop.
This coming Sunday we are going to get to see Izzy and Enid after church. They are going to be at coffee hour. I am going to try to make up a poster of pix from their blogs from Japan. I am way excited to see them. It is decidedly odd to meet someone whom you know intimately from blogging but know not much in "real" life. Will be interesting. I will try to take pix. You are all invited to the coffee. Church starts at 9:30, coffee time right after.
The garden is flourishing. Take care.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Trying out?
There is lots of stuff to get ready to take a workshop. One needs to get the art stuff together. I have supplies for any art you want me to try, but I have to decide what is needed for THIS particular workshop.
Then the stuff for being contact person. I have all the names and addresses organized plus all the stuff I hope I have for greeting the participants: name tags, etc. We are meeting in the art room at the Battle Lake High School, and I can only hope that they have air conditioning, as it is going to be a blistering day. Time will tell.
I will report on how well I did in a couple of days. Wish me luck. Take care.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Can't Wait!!
We did the book "Beyond the Sky and the Earth" by Jamie Zeppa. I give it a mixed review, but we all thought she had a wonderful way with words. It is a story about her trip from Canada to Bhutan to teach English. Of course, she suffers severe culture shock and then falls in love with Bhutan... and finds it hard to come back to Canada. Two of us in the book club are former missionaries, so we know how THAT feels. We had a great brunch first and then dug fiercely into the book. The discussion gets very lively. Fun.
This morning I took my new ears in to get adjusted. Endlessly fascinating. The fine tuning is fun as I get to chat with Kevin. (He's the ear guy.) The ears do feel a bit more fine tuned! As I have an art workshop next week, we'll see how that goes. Last year I had to stand next to the lecturer to be sure I didn't miss anything. As I am endlessly curious, I didn't mind the stares of the other participants... Now I hope I will not only hear the teacher, but also all of the comments thrown about by the others. Heaven.
Take care and get off your duffs and leave comments!
Monday, July 07, 2008
Back Again
I went out of the house just once during the 4th of July festivities. I went to the pageant presented at the Pioneer Village here in Evansville. Fantastic! You will notice the fine ampitheatre that has been built on the Village grounds. They are planning pageants each year to honor other early inhabitants. This year it was the Ojibwa. There was an Indian long house that people labored long and hard to complete inspite of the rain. Next year there will be a wigwam.
The rest of my time over the fourth was spent glued to the TV. I saw two of the most excellent tennis matches ever played. The Williams sisters (Venus won) and Federer and Nadal (Nadal won).
I started watching the F/N match at 8 am and it finished at 3. What fantastic tennis. The phone rang as the match was ending and I knew it would be Fran. Sure enough. We both LOVE to watch tennis. Go figure. Nadal won set one and two, Federer three and four, and they battled out the fifth set to nine/seven as there are no tie breaks on the last set at Wimbledon.
I watched the fireworks from the bedroom window. Very nice. I am not very excited about fireworks. Why imitate bombs? It seems counter intuitive to me. They are pretty though.
Take care.