Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Beautiful to look at!

Gadzooks! We've got snow. What a snowy mess. George thought he could just drive out of the driveway without shoveling because he had done that at 6. Now, at noon, he is trying to go down town, and is stuck in the driveway. So shoveling is in his future. I love snow, but he does the shoveling! No wonder I'm the one who loves it.

I slept in until 11 o'clock. So I am just now feasting on the gorgeous sight. The trees are spectacular. The birds have gone crazy at the bird feeders. It's very windy, so they flitter around trying to land on the feeder. Their wings are so active, they look like hummingbirds.

I haven't been up long enough to watch the news on TV. I wonder how it's going up in Fargo. I can't imagine this wet snow is helping the flood challenge. Oofta. Or uffda, if you prefer. Douglas County is not in a flood area, but I'm sure we'll have some flooded basements in town anyway. That seems a small thing compared to what folks by the Red River are facing if the dikes fail. It still is bad, though.

I'm just going to relax, enjoy my warm, cozy house, and watch George shovel. Poor guy.


Karen W said...

Slept in until 11? WOW! I do hope you were up at 9 to at least take you medicine on time.

I got to drive to Alex in the snow and trust me ~ it was hard just to tell where the road was.

The birds are having a hay day though!

Anonymous said...

I remember braving the various snow storms when I lived in Wis. and Minn. Imagine having a mild winter by moving to Helena, Montana.It's a "puzzlement". Montana elsewhere has had weather problems but our being surrounded by mountians seems to help.We have't any snow left except little fringes here and there. The temp is 42 degrees today-- .Janiece and I went to the Fireside Cafe to join our knitting group which congregates there on Mondays and Tuesdays.Keep warm. Fran

Anonymous said...

„What is the saying --From my mouth to God's ear....well it just started to snow --a nice soft snowfall that will decorate the trees. Beautiful-- no shoveling needed yet. March is determined to go out like a lion , if at all possible.It's what you are all saying. Enough Already. Fran.

Ms. Larson said...

Missed you this week Nay