Thursday, September 24, 2009

Back Home

We had a wonderful time in Alexandria, Virginia. Learned how to take the dash bus to the Metro at the Pentagon and the yellow line to the Art museums. And then back again.

I couldn't make the computer cooperate with me to do a blog, though I managed to sneak through the first one. Go figure.

We got detailed directions to go to Barnes and Noble (heaven) from John, but I wasn't so great at following the directions back. So we wandered a bit until I was able to get the GPS to working! I love the voice of the GPS system. "Make an immediate U turn as soon as possible"... and then when you have gone a bit trying to find a suitable place to make a U turn, she says"I am recalculating your directions." Soon she gave us new directions. We finally got home. Thank you dominatrix voice!

We were driving John's Pick up truck which everyone else is careful not to tangle with.

I actually painted a picture! First one in 1 1/2 years. It is hanging on the wall next to Matthew's bedroom. The next time we go out I will take the fixative, since it is watercolor on canvas and needs Durland's Wax. I am definitely feeling like my old self! Whoopee!

take care.


Karen L said...

YEAH!!!!!! Love new blogs.

Anonymous said...

My gazette and my phones are enough for my feeble brain to enjoy. All the requests for me to blog and Facebook are much too complicated for me. I try to e-mail my gazette each day and put in a plug here in your blog now and then. I have three close friends to whom I print some of my gazettes and send them snail mail. . I love my computer and my new TV. I have been making DVD discs out many of my videos. I gave up Netflix for the time being. Now that tennis is over and politics is just the usual bickering --I think that is getting rather ridiculous. So I may cancel Çable, too. I can get news n Safari..And just buy the new DVD's I want to see. . ...Love, Fran

Anonymous said...

Where are your recent blogs. ? They haven't come to my notice.Fran.