Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Year's Eve

The last day of 2005. Wow. Remember when it was so scary back in 1999? All the to-do about the Y2K bug? The pundits managed to do all that was necessary to prevent some of the chaos that could have ensued. Now we are five years down the road and have had a year filled with unbelievable natural disasters and some disasters caused by humans. What a year for hurricanes and tornadoes... and, of course, the tsunami and earthquake.

I am enjoying reading blogs. It is the new way for people to try their wings at publishing what they write. I have been introduced to a whole new world. Happy New Year, new world. I hope the new year brings good things to us all... good things mixed in with the inevitable sorrows. May God bless you all. vicki

1 comment:

James Mercedo said...

A Happy New Year. Nice to meet you, I appreciated your blog and pictures, expecting to see your next ones. Thanks.