Saturday, January 05, 2008

wow - Memories 11

You have stirred up the pot stirrer! Hmmmm. What should I blog about today as I now have 8 comments on the last blog? Eight. Good heavens.

I think I will write about something from my youth. I was a child with bad tonsils. As they had the theory then that they shouldn't remove tonsils until your tonsils were not infected I had a big problem. I usually missed one day a week of school sick at home with a pesky sore throat. Finally, the summer I was 15 my tonsils were good enough that they removed them at the hospital. I immediately drank tons of ice cold water, and then my throat would not accept anything else for a long time. I have the idea of two weeks, but that doesn't seem feasible.

When I finally recovered enough to have malts and shakes, I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. That must be one of the reasons people love to have their tonsils out! Another perk of being "weller" was that I finally got to go a summer camp.

The folks let me go to Girl Scout Camp. My first summer camp adventure. Six of us slept on canvas cots on board floors under a canvas tent. There were many such tents as this was a large camp.

I was a stranger to all of the other Girl Scouts there, so when I met a girl from another town I was nice to her (of course) and she promptly became my shadow. I was raised to be nice to people. She latched on to me as she didn't know anyone else, and the other girls were not very nice to her as she was a scholarship student from their town. One day we split up as I was taking lanyard making and she was in a pottery-making group.

All of a sudden the air was rent with terrific screams. They seemed to go on forever. We found out later that the girl whom I had befriended had bit another camper 18 times because the girl had said something disrespectful to her. 18. As a human bite is one of the worst bites for infections, I was certainly glad that I had been nice to her.

The moral of this story is be sure to be kind to those you meet because it is hard to know what the consequences of nastiness are. Besides... we should be nice. It's so much more fun than nasty. Take care.


Anonymous said...

Make that 9!!

Nice is good!! I take the "cautious" approach. I will be a spectator and sum up my new aquaintence before making a yeah or neah decision. Silence or non-acknowledgement could be considered a neah for the most part.

So, what other "creative" things did you do at camp???? Hint Hint!

Anonymous said...

That is one for the book. Yikes. I went to one --a Bible Çamp in Cambridge Wis. It was the only time in my life I experienced intense homesickness. Ahah , another chapter in my ongoing memoirs. But remember you were poised, always poised. Love, Fran.

Anonymous said...

I reread your blog. I must say I have decided to be nice. At my age 18 bites from a fellow human could be instantly fatal. Fran.

Anonymous said...

I remember going to camp also-only once as I got homesick too. Imagine that: me the outgoing and worldly person that I have become. Become is the key word here. I used to be very shy and quiet.

OK KW....I am waiting for a comment on the above!

Anonymous said...

p.s. I already miss you guys and gals and the morning gym routine.

Anonymous said...

KL ~ again, the similarities in our lives is too funny!! You can read my report cards from school and teachers made comments all the time like . . . needs to participate in class more. needs to talk more, very quiet. I used to feel my face turn red if I had to talk to anyone new or in front of a group!! Lord have Mercy!!!

Like I tell Vicki, I am living proof of what the saving Blood of Jesus Christ can do if you let Him!!! Now my family probably wishes I had a little of that "old" nature back in me. They don't like to send me into the grocery store for fear I will meet someone and visit too long!!!

Vicki seems to miss you too. She has been ditching me. Although I have Hannah at the present and you know what a task master she is!!