Tuesday, May 27, 2008


My mind is in a whirl. The last week has been filled with so many images and ideas. It was great to get the family together before Fran moved to Helena. We talked and talked. And then it was over. All of us is coping with some ailment or other, but we're still alive and kicking! Thanks to the next generation, we had this opportunity to get together. I salute you, Jeff and Sherry.

Then on Sunday we drove to Buffalo to pick up Naomi's pooch from Bed and Bone. The barking there is unbelievable. Luckily the establishment is out in the country or the neighbors would definitely have a reason to complain. He was his usual urbane self and we headed to I94 at Monticello and then on up to Evansville. A few miles north of Monticello it started to rain and we noticed an ominoous cloud to the South. I mentioned it looked just like the wall cloud Fran and I drove through a few years ago. We drove on home with no particular difficulty and then heard on the news that we had just missed a tremendous hail storm and tornadoes. Oofta. I hope Bed and Bone weathered the storm ok. Hugo had a tremendous tornado touchdown with a small child killed. Hugo is just north of the Twin Cities. Coon Rapids also suffered some and Parkersburg in Iowa had 7 deaths.

El Perro is doing fine. He is quite mellow and seems to be resting after his arduous time with all the other dogs. Naomi and Amy are having a great time in Spain. It is a tremendously challenging adventure as they walk many miles each day over very rough terrain. They start out early in the morning and walk up to 20 miles until early in the afternoon. They settle into a place that I suppose is like a hostel, and then find a place to check into the Internet if possible. We have heard almost every day from them via e-mail which is a great comfort. Nay has had a bad knee and Amy has had a killer cold, but they are soldiering on and hope to make the walk in the prescribed time period... so they can catch their flight to Madrid. (At least that is how I understand it!)

I will soon have new glasses and two hearing aids. Watch out world! Take care.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the delightful picture. Your parents would be proud!!

I bet your emotions are reeling at the thought of how fast time passes by and just by the three of you all being together. What a treasured time.

Can't wait to see your new glasses and talk to you at the gym knowing you won't miss one vital word I say!!

bananafish said...

mom, great picture of the fam! wish i would have been there too. all is well in spain, the sun is actually out today! we´ve had rain at some point almost everyday since we arrived. love

Anonymous said...

Last night Joseph,Emily and Phoebe flew in from Asheville N.C. walked to my apartment. The truck withg my sstuff will caome on Monday. On Tuesday Jeff is throwing a party Cajun style. Neighbors and family for a crawfish boil. More later, Fran

Anonymous said...

I M TRYING TO GET USED TO THIS LAPTOP. Try to follow my writing --or not. Soon I will have my own hooked up.Please bear with me. Fran