Sunday, June 01, 2008

Spring has Sprung

I am looking out my window at two bunnies hopping around in the garden. They are really cute, but now that it is Spring and the plants are up - corn, tomatoes, onions, potatoes on our side and oodles of more exotic plants in our neighbor's plantings - bunnies change from being cute to being menacing. They don't seem to be nibbling the produce, yet, though.

The thrill of green grass is hard to exagerate. After a hard Minnesota winter, spring is a feast to the eyes. Now that I have my new eyes, the greens are even brighter!

Fran and I talked on the phone. She is beginning to become acclimated to her new environs. Her furniture will be arriving on Monday. Not to speak about her fabric collection, books, dvds and tapes, etc., etc. Then she will have the "fun" of setting it all up. Actually, she loves doing that so it should be relatively painless.

Naomi is living through her adventure in Spain. Her knee hasn't blown yet, and she will certainly have a tale to tell us. I hope she is taking plenty of pictures.

I am happy to report that our "It Figures" gym is up and running. How would we exist without our exercising buddies? The exercise is good for us, of course, but the fun is in the socializing. We do have a good time. I will report from time to time on how it is going.

Remember the furor we had about the spiders? Well, we have pretty well put that controversy to rest. We (Freddy) decided that it was phobia that made the spiders so big. At the moment, that is where our research remains. The spiders exercise, too, however, so they may just be waiting to launch an attack in a pumped up version. The mystery may reappear at any moment. (Exit with spooky music.) Take care.


Anonymous said...

Surely the glory of God is around us when you survey the beauty around us! I just came in from working in the yard and I count my blessings to live in such a beautiful world. I think God gives us the hard winters to appreciate so very much all that he gives to us in the spring.

I agree with you on the rabbits. This morning as I was making coffee I watched one little guy make his way into my tulips. I went outside, clapped my hands so that he knew I was there and watched him scamper away. My tulips would not be his (or Her) meal today.

Anonymous said...

Nice to talk to you thia morning.My group here walked up the mountain and are now out getting outfitted for trp to Yellowsone and then to a cabin for four days --that is Joseph, Emioy and Phoebe. Tomorrow Joseph will help Jeff unload my stuff. Janice and I spent a couple days painting my preferred colors for the rooms. Now I am eager to do my decdorating thing. Frn.

Anonymous said...

Would you like the picture of my bunny from last year to post??? HAHA

I tell Tim several times that if this earth is this beautiful how can heaven be any better????

Fran, so what colors are you going with this time??

Are we gym bound tomorrow??

Anonymous said...