Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Trying out?

I'm busy trotting out the new me for a try out. The ears, the eyes, the equilibrium.... all facing the acid test of being the contact person for an art workshop. So far it has gone well. The sign-up is full. Two people had to bow out because of health problems, but two more were waiting in the wings to take their places, so all is well.

There is lots of stuff to get ready to take a workshop. One needs to get the art stuff together. I have supplies for any art you want me to try, but I have to decide what is needed for THIS particular workshop.

Then the stuff for being contact person. I have all the names and addresses organized plus all the stuff I hope I have for greeting the participants: name tags, etc. We are meeting in the art room at the Battle Lake High School, and I can only hope that they have air conditioning, as it is going to be a blistering day. Time will tell.

I will report on how well I did in a couple of days. Wish me luck. Take care.


Anonymous said...

Who is your artist --for whom you are the contact person. I know you will do great now that you are a bionic marvel.
Morgan has some of her art stuff here. A portfolio of large pastels. Ålso a slide show of many. We are having dinner at Jeff's tonight and the artist who had us over for dinner a couple nights ago can see her stuff. He is an architect and has a gallery here with other artists. One is a sculptor who is magnificent, too. Lots of art here.
We are about to leave to go to the No Sweat Cafe for lunch with Janiece. Love,. Fran.

Anonymous said...

Wow ! You really do have a lot to get ready for your workshop. I know how much time things take to get done.

Bionic marvel is an interesting perspective! In my mind somehow "bionic marvel" and Vicki" just don't quite fit in the same sentence. I envision a bionic marvel as someone like Superman or Wonderwoman not someone who doesn't PICK HER FEET off the mat when she exercises.

Hope you had a good time at the workshop.

bananafish said...

yes...but you have to admit that in SPIRIT my mom is for sure a bionic marvel, feet aside. my mom rocks!

Anonymous said...

Totally agreed!. . . In spirit you are definitely a bionic marvel. And Techy guru!!


Anonymous said...

Well I am back and had a great time. DC is a great city to visit but also a great city to leave behind. Many things to do and not enough time this go around. Maybe next year. See you at the gym.

Anonymous said...

My comment --the bionic woman had to do with the new ears and eyes. The spirit never waned.
With the laser treatment and new glasses I now have 20-20 vision. So I feel super, too. Just got back from the library and yesterday Morgan and I went to the bookstore here. Reading and studying new things are such a pleasure. Eager to hear about the workshop.

Anonymous said...

Well, how did the week go?
Last night we went to an outdoor symphony concert held at the college here. There were 15.000 people expected and they ran out of programs. All sitting on the grass. They have this event every year. Our friends knew enough to go in the morning and lay down a quilt which is designed to mark your place for the free concert. We went with two other couples. Buzz Aldrin was there to be the background speaker and took us verbally through the planets that his space ship encountered on his trip to the moon. The theme of the symphony was "Out of this World." Beautiful weather.

Anonymous said...

Morgan got home last night and will have today to revive. She was enamored of Montana, too.
If you want to have comments you have to write more than once a week. e-mail is available, too. Try gazetting .