Saturday, December 13, 2008

Such Fun!!!

Wow. 10 comments! It was interesting how age played into what we remembered. I am really a fossil to remember Pearl Harbor. I never realized that before. That is, I know I'm an old fossil, but I didn't realize how remembering Pearl Harbor would point that out.

Two others I could mention would be the fall of the Berlin Wall and the uproar in Tianamen Square. I remember Fran and I calling each other about both of those events as they were happening.

Forgiveness is tricky. We think it means forgetting, but it doesn't. We think it means that the person has to ask for our forgiveness, but it doesn't.

For one thing, harboring resentment can literally kill us... It doesn't do a thing to the person it is aimed at, but it eats away at our own soul. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Substitute sins for trespasses and you see what this means. Hmmm.

Usually (not always!) I imagine a supposed hurt or slight sitting in my hand and I hold it out as if it were a bird and make a motion of setting it to flight in the universe. I let it go.

We're getting ready for our trip to Virginia for the holidays. Such bustling around trying to get all the t s crossed and i s dotted. We just got back from the cities for my appointment with the neurologist. All went well. The trip down and back was smooth. We delivered JYY the dog to it's beautiful owner. Now it is hard to remember that he isn't here. I expect him to show up and nudge my arm to tell me he as to go out, etc. He's a sweetie.

Take care. And thanks for your comments. I love 'em!


Ms. Larson said...

As I read this said dog is whining to go outside to chase the ball as I had promised him. "Get off the computer!" his whine says!

Anonymous said...

We too, are getting ready for our journey down under. There is so much to do that I sometimes think staying home might be easier but then again the memories we will have made will be worth the effort.

This past week at the gym we were stringing out some rather big words in our conversations and laughing. Our vocabulary has been extended beyond the basic cavewoman grunts because you, Vicki, our dear friend.

OK....Kw and anyone else...don't take offense to my comments. All in good clean fun.

Anonymous said...

Our first day of winter weather. Snow and well below zero temp. I rejoined Netflix. Monarch of the Glen is in DVD and umpteen episodes. So I started that --Janiece suggested it. so far great!. Also a concert by Itzah Perlman. So this will help keep me entertained during the winter. Jeff and Janiece leave for Asheville on Christmas day. New great grandson due any day now. I am lining up things to do when they are gone. We have a party Monday --one of my rug hookers giving a luncheon. We had a party here at the Placer Lobby Thursday night. I met some of my neighbors. Merry Christmas and have a good trip. Fran

Anonymous said...

So I am visiting your blog and am asking you to "revisit" the topic of forgiveness. Maybe you want to forgive someone, who clearly is not sorry, but you can't seem to cleanse yourself of the anger you hold inside. What are your thoughts on that?

Hope your Christmas is a Merry One!