Friday, August 10, 2007

At the beach!

This is the fabulous Foster Beach in Chicago. It is quite a contrast to the Lake Moses access, or throwing a stick to JYY at Moon Lake. I especially like the skyscrapers in the distance. Do you recognise them, Karens?

This is where we had our great evening picnic in Chicago. Both Mary and Dianna went swimming. As the note from Fran pointed out, Dianna is a rabid athlete! She has even encouraged her mother to begin swimming, biking and running. The swimming part I can document! Kudos to these valiant ladies! Steve goes at it in his own way. He is a dedicated walker! I really liked the atmosphere of the city, and the beach sealed the deal.

Of course, the art stuff didn't hurt, either. We took buses and the el to go to the art museum. I managed all the walking and returned to the apartment happy and ready to lay in the movie sac chair which is not difficult to get out of at all. The second day Andrea and Steve picked us up and drove us to a spot in the city where there was a gigantic art store. I DIDN'T BUY ANYTHING!!! One of the high lights of the trip was my control. It's interesting when you have all the supplies you need at the present moment and the only thing you want they don't have! Wow.

Then we began a series of visits to art galleries. Wow. I loved it. We stopped for lunch and visited more art galleries until my energy level bottomed out. Andrea drove us back to Dianna's apartment. I went in and took a nap to prepare for the above mentioned picnic. One of the best parts of my trip was getting to know my relatives better. They are the bomb!

I thank God I was able to enjoy this trip and have the energy to do all of the things we did! The memories I have are the greatest. Thanks to all who provided the wherewithall.

Take care.


Anonymous said...

I am mega pleased that your trip turned out so good. I wish you could have spent a day with me but I think you had all you could muster at the moment. Steve is the golfer but Mary and Dianna have their triathilon this weekend. Which reminds me , I better get on my daily walk. that's 'walk' not run. Fran.

Anonymous said...

Yes, your skyline looked quite familiar! I would love to take Tim and Hannah back there. Tim could carry all my shopping bags! HEHEHE!

I think the meaning of the word "bomb" has a few contrasting meanings ~ right? Because if you "bomb" something you would either blow it up or a person would fail miserably. I didn't realize it also meant something great!!

Say Karen L we missed you at the gym!! Looks like Vicki and I will be the only two "buff babes" at the beach!! I know you would be envious of us!!!! So you probably would want to come next Wednesday.

Have a great weekend~
Your Favorite Fan

Anonymous said...

Hopefully I am in sync with the present day slang. "bomb" is supposed to mean "greatest." Do I have any really young readers who can verify my read on that? We await your expertise.

Anonymous said...

I do not qualify as a young reader and I too was a bit confused by the "b" word, but....then I am out of the loop most of the time. I did however understand it to mean "great" in this context of this sentence.

KW...I have been at the gym, just not when you have been schedule has not been normal as of late. I'll take you on in the "buff" challenge. HAHA!

Anonymous said...

on the skyline note: I was amazed as my plane was descending into O'Hare by the beauty of the city.....I only wish that my originally planned 3 hour layover in the windy city had not turned into a full out sprint to the next gate, hearing my name being called for final boarding.

Anonymous said...

Wow. What I wouldn't have given to see you sprinting to the gate for your boarding.

I saw a picture of the Chicago skyline in 1930. It would be interesting to see how it has changed.

bananafish said...

Okay, it's sad that I am now qualifying as a "younger" reader, but "the bomb" does mean it is the best. it's a little outdated, but still used. My favorite way to use it is: "That is the!" just to be annoying and stupid, which I am quite good at!