Saturday, August 18, 2007

The picnic

We are at the Foster Street Beach in Chicago. Both Dianna and Mary are about to go swimming. The others of us are just content to look at all of the other people at the beach, take in the skyscrapers in the distance, and veg out. Wonderful. The thing I liked best about it was not only getting to know these members of my family better but also to take in the wonderful vista. Wow. To think this is right in the city of Chicago.
Today is Saturday. It is raining. We are preparing for our camping trip to Northern Minnesota. I will attempt to take pictures of our camp to share with you. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. Everybody around here needs rain so I hesitate to hope for a rainless week, but I hope for some rainless days, at least. We'll see how it goes. It will all be wonderful because the company will be the thing that makes it so.
I was so amused by Karen's telling me about her encounter with Izzy and Enid at the super market. She looked up and there was our blogger and his girl friend in the living flesh and pink t-shirt in Alexandria, Minnesota. Note Izzy's comment on the last blog. Izzy is large even here in Minnesota. Izzy is hard to miss. I still have difficulty wrapping my mind around what his impact must have been on the Japanese kindergartners. We are glad you are back, Izzy, and await your blog from Texas. Thanks for your comment! Hi to Enid, too.
Off to the packing. Take care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Miss Vicki,

I know you are gone camping but will leave a comment to keep things going.

Pretty quiet at the gym today!! Although I get a good workout ~ it isn't nearly as much fun!!

Yes, it was hard to not recognize Izzy at Pete's. . . Pink tee shirt and all. Tim found it hard to believe I would be found "chatting"!!! Being the anti-social, introvert that I am. People don't believe me when I tell them I used to be shy and quiet! I am a living testimony to what Jesus can do if you will let him!!

Hope your campfire is dry and burning.

Your Favorite Exercise Buddy!