Friday, April 18, 2008

Mute? Me?

I know it is hard for my faithful readers to fathom, but I have nothing to say. Had book club this week. Went to poetry night. Have gone to the gym. All fun things, but I have nothing to say. Perhaps you can write a comment to grease the wheels of my mind and loosen my tongue (I suppose it should be "loosen my typing fingers." I await your nudges. Take care


bananafish said...

I, DON'T believe it! My mother? Mute? Puhleeeeeeeze!

Anonymous said...

You're right Nay. . . don't believe it!!

We started to get her going at the gym one day when KL started talking about an advertisement for dogfood and listed the ingredients. It was "corn gluten" free. And in the list of ingredients the first were chicken, fish, and lamb. . . . . other ingredients followed and then it said it was not tested on animals and had no animal biproducts?!!! That is bizarre!!

The grass is soon to turn green and then we won't hear from Vicki cause she will be busy cutting the grass and tending the garden! HAHA

Anonymous said...

I am so astounded that you have nothing to say...I am speechless.

Anonymous said...

A nudge. who was at book club and what did they say about the book that might just possibly be interesting. Did you walk to the gym or did someone take you there or are you driving now with your new eyes.Has spring sprung in Evansville? I may drop in to visit you on my way to Helena at the end of May. Çould your library at Come for Coffee use some books. Depending on our itinerary I may be able to get some to you.. Take a hint from my gazettes --trivia...but my readers gie good comments. Love Anon.

bananafish said...

also--you've done all of those talks on various could post a picture of the artist or one of their paintings and write a bit about the artist and what their work says to you.... I would love that!