Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I have been pondering why a person writes a blog. There are probably as many reasons as there are bloggers... or a combination of reasons.

It would seem to be to communicate your thoughts to others. I think it is a little bit of that, but also the mere fun of expression. To have a place to mull over things. I love it. Hmmm?

I had the thrill last night to have a phone call from a relative I had not spoken to for a couple of years. She had looked at my blog and wanted to contact me about my paintings. I hadn't thought much about that aspect of my blog, but she said almost 100 people had perused my paintings. Wow. She remembered way back when I was first married and she was a little girl and George had given me oil paints and I was doing a painting of the little barn in the back of my in-laws' house. What memories. She was amazed at the evolution of my paintings - as well she might be! Anyway, it was great to hear from her.

I will have to ask Naomi to show me how to add paintings to the Flicker deal. I have not been able to figure it out on my own.

The weather is finally HOT. Wahoo. Take care.


Anonymous said...

Gosh ~ somebody pinch me! It feels like summer! Could it really be???

I am glad to be the first comment on your new posting. I enjoy going back and looking at your paintings every now and then. It is fun to compare the flicker picture to the real life painting.

Don't put too much thought into why a person blog's! I would hate to see you reason your way out of blogging!!

Say Fran, Do they have gazettes in Montana????

Anonymous said...

We do have gazettes in Montana. This moving entails so much paper work -- change of address. And the finances. It is a lot of computing, phoning and mailing.
Blogging and e-mailing my gazettes is what keeps us in touch with the worlds we have moved from. I would hate to lose track of friends. I have three that I write to snail mail. but most I keep up with in my gazettes and here in Loretta's blog. That's Slash --Loretta/Vicki.

bananafish said...

which relative? I know I said I would blog on our communal blog, but the connection didn't work and I haven't gotten back to it...hopefully soon! glad you are blogging ma!

Anonymous said...

Are you watching Wimbledon? Serena looks good. Fran

Anonymous said...

I don't have the correct e-mail address for Carol Ulrich. It is always returned. Fran.