Saturday, December 01, 2007

slight correction

After reading the comments on the last blog, I can see I need to make a slight (!) correction. When i say I love DRIVING in bad weather, I must hurry to enlighten you that I meant RIDING with George in bad weather. The two of us have managed to drive through the most horrendous snow storms and it is exhilarating. Whether I would be quite as fearless if I myself were at the wheel is another story. When the weather is good I am probably too fearless at the wheel.

I am of the old school. Usually, if George is in the car, he does the driving. I supposedly do the navigating. I have found that with the deterioration of my eyesight, navigating is more difficult. The size of street signs leaves a bit to be desired, and saying "turn here" as you whistle past a street just doesn't do the trick. I suppose this is one of the reasons old people creep along, driving the others on the road furious. So far I have never had to endure "road rage" but there will be more opportunities, I'm sure. It would be interesting to see my reaction to road rage. Would I rage in return or conciliate? It might depend on the situation. Ignoring the rage would seem the safer option.

Stay cozy as the wind and snow rage. We're having some good old fashioned Minnesota weather. Wahoo. Take care... and curl up with some cocoa and a good book.


bananafish said...

I love storms too!

Anonymous said...

I took my walk today in the snowfall and got to the IDS building and then Barnes and Noble to get a few for winter reading. Love the snow and even the wind.
I am going to write an memoir essay on the day I slid on the ice coming home from a day of teaching. Crossed the other side --no oncoming cars and ended up on the lawn of a farmhouse. I intend to write one of my memoir chapters on this event. 400 cars were ahead of me on my call for AAA help. Fran.

Anonymous said...

Vicki: A "hand" in horse terms is equal to 4 inches from the ground to the withers. We all are better off for the conversations that stir up while we exercise. Thank GOD (literally) for the knowledge that you impart upon our stagnant minds. I would have loved having you as a teacher!

Anonymous said...

What is this "our" stagnant minds?? Just curious as to who all your including in that statement? For me the busier I get the more I try to have a stagnant mind! Most days I don't even have to try ~ it just stagnates on it's own!!

Miss Fran, haven't gotten any gazettes lately. You must be busy with the memoirs or I was crossed off the list. I will assume you have been busy wtih the memoirs. We would LOVE to hear of the day of the icey drive!! I have no such stories to this day, Praise God!

Tim is taking Hannah to the new office as I write to teach her to plow snow with the 1 ton and snow plow. It is good for her to know these things. She is quite the competant young lady!

Vicki, I will call you about the gym tomorrow.

Anonymous said...