Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tah Dah!

Okee doakee! My newest finished painting. Hard to get a picture of it, but this is the best I can do.

Now I'm working on more pear portraits. Fun.

Fran is dithering on about moving to Helena, Montana in the fall. Her son Jeff and daughter-in-law Janiece live there. That is a place that _I_ can imagine living. The mountains and camping around there are the greatest. But what is Fran going to do without the skyway for her winter walks? I imagine there is a mall or something near her proposed condo for her extensive walking excursions. Hmmmm. It is distressing to think of her being so far away. I will have to hop on the Amtrak and visit her. I hope the trains go there. Yippee!

My glands are healed. I am ready for a new week. The snow is shrinking. Life is good

Take care.


bananafish said...

glands healed, snow shrunk, life IS good!

Anonymous said...

We had a sprinkling of snow last night. Cleaned up the tops of the buildings upon which I look from my 16th floor. That sounds like a lesson in grammar. Really clumsy stuff...the grammar that is.
Tomorrow Morgan and I and maybe Naomi? will go to Staccato's for supper and we can discuss it . I have a five dollar coupon.So my treat.
Now for my walk out in the cloudy mist. I think there is plenty of walking space in Montana. No worries.

Anonymous said...

MONTANA?????? YIKES!!!! Reminds me largely of NORTH DAKOTA!!!! What a barren wasteland. If I didn't have kids there you couldn't get me to move there!!! Fran, what are you thinking? You are a city girl at heart!! Even Evansville was too "Boondocks" for you!

AH! You stepped into that one Vicki!! NO swollen glands means you can come to the gym!!! YEEHAW!!

And I am so glad Naomi has picked up where I left off with the "4" thing!!! Hope you are doing well in the cities again. Lots of friends helps with the transition I am sure! We miss you at the gym. You made us slackers look bad ~ so know we are top exercise dogs again! Other than the 6 am crew, which are birds of another feather!


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Anonymous said...

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