Thursday, March 06, 2008

yippee skippee

Wow! Look at the plaque on those teeth. To say nothing about the adorable boy looking bravely through.

I am actually back on track. Almost. I still tire easily and need to rest periodically, but I'm back on track.

This political news is so interesting. To think that we have about 8 months before the election and we are going to have to hear all this palaver until November is almost more than a person can bear. So far I think it has been extremely informative. The numbers of people being energized to vote in the primaries is just astounding. I wonder if the enthusiasm can persist clear into the fall, however, or will we all be driven to reading Harry Potter to escape reality? I certainly hope that whoever wins the election finally wins it resoundingly so that there is no more bitterness about the outcome.

I have a big day planned. One of the things George and I will be doing is attending a 55 Alive presentation. Generally it is monumentally boring, but it saves us money on our insurance so we can endure a bit of boredom. I generally also learn a thing or two. Actually, I think some of the younger people could benefit from the same teaching. Driving is heading toward being a contact sport! Love seeing the cops on the highways to slow people down a bit. We generally drive the speed limit and people pass us as though we are standing still. Grump, grump.

Have a great day! Take care.


Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Hi Vicikie! I enjoyed looking through your paintings. I really liked "A Fine Balance" and the pears very much.

bananafish said...

Hola mama! I like the photo of Matt, what a cutie! It's crazy to think of a shark being so big. Scary!

bananafish said...

time for a new post mamacita!

Anonymous said...

I am waiting for another blog from you. Fran.