Saturday, September 27, 2008

Interesting Book

Toddle right out and buy a copy of "The Shack" by William P. Young. You will need your own copy because you will want to mark it up and go back later and wonder about parts of it. I was fascinated by it and read it straight through. Now I will mull a bit, and then go back and read it through again. Wow.

George coughed so much last night I thought I should take him to the hospital this morning, but he said he was feeling better! Go figure. It is so difficult to know what to do in this day of no home visits by doctors. Do you suppose we will ever get back to that time? It was great to have the doctor come to you. Also you didn't catch the germs of the other sick people... and vice verse.

I haven't got back to my art yet, but I am mulling it over, at least. Onward and upward.

Take care.


Anonymous said...

Janiece and I are going grocery shopping and then I will get ready for Andrea's visit. I am so excited to have her fly up here. She gets here at 11 PM.
With your revue of the Shack I will then, this afternoon, go and buy the Shack. Fran.

Anonymous said...

I can never see that my comments get published. Oh well, not that they were so earth-shaking.
I have been helped so much by Chinese herbal medicine administered by my ex-son-in-law who is a Naturepathic Doctor in Minneapolis. No more sinus problems, no more chronic bronchitis. Maybe George would go to him.
Carol Jean

Ms. Larson said...

I think that's a great idea-naturopathic doctors are so wonderful and why not try it? It would be so great if Dad could get some help....DO IT!