Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reading's the BEST

I have been reading like a maniac. I finished THE SHACK. Then I read a Madeline L'Engle book, LIVE COAL IN THE SEA, and now I'm reading Joan Didion's THE YEAR OF MAGICAL THINKING. Wow. I'm trying not to watch TV so George can snooze in his recliner.

George is slowly recovering, but still coughing a lot. He looks a lot better, though, which is encouraging. Hopefully he will take it easy this week until he is really well.

People give me books to take down to the Art Center library, and if they look like a good read, I short circuit them into my brain before I take them down. Fantastic. I am slowly trying to sort through my mountain of books. Sigh. Not an easy task at any time, but as one gets older it gets harder. Now that parts of my brain have gone south, I find that I can read some of my favorite author's books without remembering the plots. They have been writing for twenty or more years, so their first books are now new to me. Hallelujah! One (if not the only) bright spot about getting old.

My eyes are doing well, my ears are operating, my feet even got into real shoes yesterday, and my mind is being stimulated by reading! Yippee.

Oh, yes, and I am going up to Battle Lake to get my paintings off the back wall. September is over. It is a beautiful fall day. Take care


Anonymous said...

There is a silver lining in every rain cloud !

Thanks for coming to the gym today. You are always reason for inspiration!

Anonymous said...

The ear guy owes me money. 1 cent, to be exact. I'm letting it be known here that if he doesn't pay me back by the end of the month, the interest rate is 18 1/2 percent.
Carol Jean

Anonymous said...

I met Madeline L'Engle at one of my library conferences. I did programs on her books for high schoolers. Love her writing. I have been reading May Sarton's "Eighty Two". I have read some of her memoir books. Not wild about her novels ...or poetry. But that's me. I started The Shack. With Andrea here we are in full swing to show her Helena and Montana. With Janiece and Jeff --last night met them for dinner and then to the art gallery where our friend was having an opening . He and his wife are neighbors of J& J. Louis Ã…rchibault --and I signed up with Lou for a 5 week course in learning to draw which will start later this month. Andrea is going back Sunday morning and Jeff is flying out at the same time to go East for a short job for GE. Janiece and I have a bead making workshop Sunday night. and then while Jeff is gone for a week we will take a jaunt to Missoula.

Anonymous said...

Fran, how do you do it? Sounds like you can fit more into your schedule than I do!! Bead making sounds fun!

Ms. Larson said...

My mom and my aunt are dynamos! I have great role models to follow--I'm working hard to do so! N