Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ceramic Art

Two ceramic artists, Kate Scherfenberg and Sean Scott, had an exhibit open house yesterday (Saturday). It was absolutely fabulous. Quite a few people attended but all the others have no idea what they missed. The food they brought was yummy and a bit exotic. Yogurt covered cherries, strawberries and blueberries were offered along with chocolate covered coffee beans. A fantastic pesto and interesting crackers. Chips and dips and bread and cookies and fruit and........... The mind boggles. The most interesting thing was that these foods were served in ceramic gourds, ceramic seeds, ceramic pods, etc. The artistic serving area was FABULOUS.

The show will be ongoing this week. Thursday night 7-9 and Friday and Saturday from 10 - 2. But you will have missed out on the food... the delicious food. Nevertheless, if you can possibly make it, you should take a gander at the wonderful ceramics in the exhibit. I love them. It is interesting to note the differences between the ceramics done by each artist.

Wild weather last night around the state. Hope you are all safe. We got a bit of wind, but nothing destructive. Take care.


Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed the exhibit. I was looking forward to seeing it. I will be gone to St Cloud on Friday, so we will see.

Weather? We went to the rodeo in Fergus Falls on Saturday evening!! Ya! We thought it would pass so we sat in the rain until we were good and soaked ~ ~ then proceeded to our vehicle through the streams that had accumilated in my cute little shoes, the rain coming through the middle of my umbrella! When we left some cars in the lot were nearly flooded and we drove in torential rains nearly all the way home! All we could do is laugh. You should have been there!!!

Anonymous said...

Take some pictures of the ceramics. But chocolate coffee beans. ??

Anonymous said...

Really wanted to see that exhibit and hoped to hear the concert-but situations on the farm went badly all day-one breakdown after another-the black clouds in the sky apparently pooled over the Larson farm, literally and figuratively.

We sat on the deck and watched the clouds and lightening until the rain forced us indoors.

Chocolate coffee beans - yum! What could be better- I was craving an espresso latte with a shot of caramel on Saturday-wish I had been able to get into town!

Anonymous said...

You can usually get chocolate covered coffee beans at the specialty coffee houses. Check it out. I don't think one should eat more than a couple, however, as I think raw coffee in any quantity is poisonous. However, I suppose the beans are roasted before they are used. They are yummy, whatever.