Thursday, September 14, 2006


The tentative name for the painting is "When the Galaxies Collide." I get very discouraged as I listen to the news of all the conflicts in our world, and I suppose this is my subconscious taking note of these things. It is a collage and fluid acryllics. Hopefully it will be displayed at the Lake Region Art Council's gallery October through January at a show that is made up of contributions from those artists who have had grants. Now I must get it framed and ready for display.

I am working on another piece to be displayed... a tryptich (triptych?) called "Singing Bird." It is from the Chinese Proverb: "Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps the singing bird will come." I had the center done up already but am mounting two side pieces.

The juxtaposition of these two paintings in my work is interesting. One rather desperate and the other rather hopeful. One about the exterior world and the other about the interior world. Vedy interesting!

Okeedokee. That's all I have.


Anonymous said...

I remember reading that the Chinese said people with a green heart are good for working with children. Green signifying new growth, I guess. I did see this paintng when I was there last week. Great as usual.

Izzy said...

i like the painting/collage. your stuff always seems so colorful, which i love.

one question: what does the faint cross symbol mean in the center of the piece?

i look forward to your next piece!


Anonymous said...

I suppose it is a representation of my belief that when all is said and done, every knee will bow to Jesus. A very biblical idea if not a very popular idea at the moment. Nevertheless, my idea, and since I am the artist, I get to do what I want to with my painting. Cool, huh?

Anonymous said...

Take heart that you have a GREEN tree!!! I love your new picture but can hardly wait to see it in person to appreciate the detail I am missing on the blog.

Have a good weekend!

Vicki Larson said...

Another meaning for the cross in the "sky" could be that Jesus loves the world and suffers as he contemplates all the chaos. His love will triumph in the end.