Saturday, April 14, 2007

I'm Back!

It might look like I'm a mere shadow of my former self, but not true. I have been gone as a ministering angel to our "granddog" John YaYa. Last Sunday he went for a run on the trail and fell through a coating of ice on a ditch. He cut his leg severely on the ice and went to the vet for a two hour surgery. Two vets worked on his leg for two hours. It was Easter Sunday, so Nay had to take him to Glenwood. The local vets take turns being on call on holidays and Sundays. She was extremely satisfied with the service and attitude of these local vets as compared with some in the cities, (the "cities" being Mpls/Stpl) which made me feel good, of course.
What a trooper the dog was. Naomi and the dog stayed overnight and then I went with her to help with the dog during the drive to the cites on Monday and the rest of the week while she and Tony were at work. It went very well and the dog is on the mend. Turned out he also had an ear infection. With all the uproar, he hates the medicine for his ear the most! He has to wear a cone to keep him from worrying the stitches in his leg and he looks so cute! I didn't take my camera with me or I would be entertaining you with a picture of him in his cone! Hilarious. Strangely enough, he doesn't seem to mind it.
We saw Fran and her two daughters for a brief hour or two. She entertained us with deviled eggs, sugar free jello, muffins and tuna salad. It was great. She is having trouble with her new computer which I trust will soon be solved. Computer troubles are the pits.
Well. I'm glad to be back communicating with you. See some of you at the gym on Monday! Take care.


Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to seeing you in the morning again. One more day taxing day for me! I will be off to the big city on Tuesday with my tax cohorts for a day at IKEA! Then back to my own schedule (or that of Jeffrey's and the required field work)

Izzy said...

can you please, please, please take a photo of the dog with the cone? i have a soft spot for dogs wearing strange things. as a kid, i used to put tighy whitey underwear on my miniature schnauzer. it is about the cutest thing i've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

My computer is back in operation tonight. Morgan and I did the honors with the help of the Apple Store. Naomi was here today to help haul stuff to Good Will. Many thanks to both young'uns.
My 18 size clothes had to go.
Naomi had her dog for a walk today!