Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Ok. What a difference a day makes. We're back in the middle of winter, seemingly. The only thing about it is that I like the look better than rainy drippy blech. The picture on the left was taken rather early this morning, thus the darkness... But after that it snowed most of the day. I suppose we got at least 6 inches of snow. Wow. Wet heavy snow.
Well, Florida pulled it off handily. Beth will be glad as she is from Florida! Two years in a row! Not bad.
We had a comedy of errors last night. We were to meet at a certain restaurant at 6 pm. Two couples of us got there and the restaurant isn't open on Mondays. We called the woman who lived nearest and she had forgotten about it completely. She didn't think we had decided for sure. We caught her just as they were leaving for another date.. so she called that off and they met us at a different restaurant. We never did find the other people we were supposed to meet, and they were thoroughly disgusted over the whole debacle. Hopefully they will get over it within a decade or two! We will have to be more careful in the future when we make plans to nail the plans down more thoroughly.
Have a nice wintery evening. Now is when I wish we had a fireplace. Perfect weather to curl up in front of a roaring fire with a good book. Yowsah. Take care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are on the upswing again. The return of winter weather makes me want to sleep in but the tax office beckons me. Only a few days left.