Friday, September 14, 2007

Last Gasp from the East

I am all packed and ready to go. As usual, I get all ready and then come down and sleep in the recliner, just like I do at home. We are starting to the airport at 3:45 am. sigh. We should get home in the mid afternoon tomorrow if all our flight connections go well.

Matthew has been celebrating his birthday for several days now with all kinds of meals out and parties. The big party is tomorrow, but we will have to miss it as we will be winging our way home. All is going well with him and we have had lots of fun with his gifts. We gave him a microscope and an owl and several other small gifts one of which was the movie "Charlotte's Web" which we watched tonight. Friday night is pizza and movie night. Fun. The star gift so far, I think, is probably a pair of remote controlled helicopters which he is having a ball flying. He has gotten the gist of it already and they go zooming around the 20 foot high living room like real zoomers. Fun.

Thanks for your comments. I will be back at a more reasonable rate after I get home. Take care you darling people you.


bananafish said...

Call me when you get home Ma!

Anonymous said...

Call me when you get home, Sis.

Anonymous said...

Wow ~ you have had a rash of comments!

The day turned out to be a decent temperature!

Can't wait to hear all about camping AND your east coast vacation! We have lots of catching up to do!

Anonymous said...

You brought the good weather back with you, thanks, Sharon