Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I have nothing much to say, but I will try to say it in an amusing fashion.

My cell phone works in a highly suspect fashion on the east coast. What I do hear is interrupted by static and spaces, and the calls automatically quit after just a bit. I heard (in this bizarre fashion) from Karen W. She says the trip to Mpls was awesome fun. Not only hearing and seeing Joyce Meyers, but going shopping and having slumber party time with the girls. Such fun. Joyce Meyers is a woman who speaks on TV and has her own conferences and broadcasts each day. She's great. I tuned in to hear her this morning and got a good word.

I also heard from Naomi. She heard from John, and they were surprized to realize that they were both in Mpls. That is the joy of the cell phone. It is always the same phone number no matter where you are. They didn't have time to get together, but at least they breathed the same air. John is gone for the week to North Dakota and Naomi just finished attending the wedding of a friend. She will soon be back in Portland.

All those of you out there whom I love... take care!


Anonymous said...

NORTH DAKOTA??????? Wow do I have a story for you!!! Tim, Hannah and I went there for Labor day weekend on Sunday and Monday. Bahhumbug!! I don't think they have to worry about a population explosion out there any time soon!!!!!! Tim is heading out ther this very moment infact.

Yes, I don't know what happened but we were talking on the cell phone and all of a sudden you were very gone. I said, "Hello? Hello?" and no response although the screen said our call was still connected. Go figure? It was good to hear you voice though and I am thrilled to know you might be home next week!

Be prepared when you come back ~ the temperature is about 50 something now and they are talking frost tonight. Fall is SO fleeting!

Hugs to you!

bananafish said...

Home again, home again, hippety hop!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie we were in North Dakota for a few days visiting the relatives there.
Carol and Gary are back from Nova Scocia. She said if you are too tired from traveling to have bookclub at her house, we can do it at her house- or mine too for that matter. I am writing these mundane things because I don't think you are looking at your email. Am I right? Did you go to Eastern Market?
Can't wait for your return.
Love, Carol

bananafish said...

Mom: BLOG AGAIN. And write a comment on my blog too, please!

Anonymous said...

Yes, please do blog again. I read Naomi's blog from time to time-even left a posting there as well.

We are missing your wit and wisdom at our round table (not so much table as merry go round) discussions at the gym.

Anonymous said...

I was over at Carol Ulrich's home today and she told me you were off again. She has started some amazing art projects with folded paper, you will have to go see her new work when you get home. I am working on a large project for next year, it is in the incubating phase and can't wait until you get back so I can run it by you. It is so much fun to just check on your blog to see what you are up to. Sharon H.