Thursday, September 06, 2007


I haven't figured out how to do pictures on this computer, so you will have to wait for those until I get back to my own stuff.

I forgot to mention that I sat through a Lord of the Rings Trilogy showing at the lake. Wow. Five of us sat glued to the set for the whole thing. Such fun.. and then I had the additonal plus of watching tennis when I got here. I tell you, I am a world class couch potato. I will REALLY need the gym when I get back. I was going to say that I was BECOMING a world class couch potato, but I think I have arrived.

Took Matthew to the bus this morning. I am to put stew in the crock pot this afternoon. You understand, it is all ready to go.. all I have to do is turn it on. I have a rough life.

I am envious of those of you who are heading to the cities for Joyce Meyers. Have a blast. I can watch her here each morning... so I see the announcement of the get together in St. Paul. You lucky ducks, you. I will expect a detailed account when I get back.

Take care.


Anonymous said...

Hi Vicki - you are having a good time and that is wonderful.
I e-mailed you but I don't think you are looking at your email? Katrina suggested that y'all go to Eastern Market on Capital Hill on Sat or Sun. It is such a fun place, vendors from all over the world, and Katrina is there with her Red Persimmon booth. For directions, go to
It was my birthday yesterday and we are going out tonite to celebrate in Morris, dinner and a concert.
I miss you, stay well and come back. Love, Carol

bananafish said...

Who is Joyce Meyers?