Sunday, September 16, 2007

Well, my body's back....

No. That's not me behind the boat, but dear Matthew a few days before his 6th birthday. We spent a a few days at beautiful Lake Anna in Virginia. Quite a different experience from camping out in Northern Minnesota. The "kids" rented a house with three full baths... just to give you an indication of the size of the place. The culture shock was great! A horde of young kids (Under 13) and old kids (Under 45) and young old kids (Under 85) had a ball together. Lots of water skiing, tubing, just riding along to shout encouragement... and then our marathon watching of "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. All in all a wonderful few days of fun in the sun.

We got back to Yorktown on Sunday, the day before Labor Day, so we had time to do laundry and rest up after our vacation.

Now that I have pictures available for posting, I feel so much more like chatting. As we always say - nice to go, but great to get back home, too. I'll share more pix as time progresses and the grey cells in my brain allow! Take care.


bananafish said...

Sorry I missed the luxurious vacation: wow! Nay

Anonymous said...

Y:our pictures are great. Fran. Glad to have you home in Minnesota. Fran.

Anonymous said...


We have our Highly Motivational exerciser back at the gym! It was great to have you back! You are such an inspiration!

Loved your picture of Matthew! How precious!

See you Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Waiting . . . waiting. . . waiting. . . hint . . hint. . hint. . .