Sunday, November 18, 2007

Memories 8

Fran went off to St. Olaf College when I was only six years old. She got the starring role in a play, and mother and some other ladies and I went up to take it in.

She was great. I didn't quite get what was going on, because when she paused at the steps contemplating going up into the attic where Rochester's wife was hidden away, I shouted, "Don't go up there!" I took her welfare very seriously even then. After all, she is my sister.

When we got back home we discovered that Bud had broken his arm while we were gone, and the tin pan that was used for rinsing the dishes had rusted. Dad was not as good a housekeeper as mother. He was NOT, however, responsible for the breaking of Bud's arm. That was entirely Bud's own fault. He wasn't able to jump as far as he thought he could.

Bud had rigged up the closet in his front bedroom as a little office. He had made himself a crystal set radio there. That was how we heard the news of Pearl Harbor. I can see the scene yet - as can anyone who has been involved in the news of a great disaster. I was standing behind him as he sat at his small radio set. I didn't understand all the ramifications of the news, but I knew we were in great trouble as a country. Bud and I took the news to mom and dad.

Take care.


Anonymous said...

Mother , you and Nora came to see me in Jane Eyre. They are playing that at the Guthrie right now. Can you imagine mother driving all that way! You could make a memoir just on the broke arms and legs of you and Bud. Active kids. Your memoirs are far better than mine.

bananafish said...

Aunt Fran: they are NOT better nor worse. They are.

Love, Naomi

bananafish said...

And by they are, I mean they are great!

Anonymous said...

OK. I got two comments by e-mail.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Fran, I totally enjoyed reading your memoirs also. The ones you sent me.

It is interesting to find out exactly what a person stores in their memory. My sisters can do a play by play on an instance that I have absolutely NO recollection of and yet I distinctly remember my mom taking a picture of me with my first birthday cake out on the porch! I stood by a square footstool with green material for a covering and it was sunny and I was squinting. I have the picture today!

Memories from my Grandparents on my Dad's side are my absolute FAVORITE!!! They were people of routine. So, when I would go there I had the routine memorized and it was comforting to me.

OK Miss Vicki. Can we get a new one now????? Huh? Huh? Please? Can we???

bananafish said...

yeah, I want a new blog please