Thursday, January 05, 2006


I have a few blogs that I check every day. I love seeing what these people are doing. They are evidently still wearing off the effects of the holidays as NONE of them have anything new on their blogs. Bummer. It's hard to think of anything to say, I suppose, day after day. But, still, don't begin something and then just leave your loyal followers to wait, and wait, and wait for something new. I mean. Sigh.

What should I post today? Nothing much happening. Pretty back yard. Snow still flocking the trees. I'm reading a pretty good book. (Just finished "Angry Housewives Eating Bon-bons" and liked that. My book club is going to discuss that next Tuesday.) Now I'm reading "The View from Delphi." Oofta. Good book so far. But I am filled with trepidation to see what will transpire next. Very good book by a first time author: Jonathan Odell.

Off to the business of the day. Still piecing the quilts. The football has been great. vicki

1 comment:

sprocketplug said...

Hey Vicki!

Here's a little puzzle for you. Can you figure out who I am and how I found your blog?

Happy New Year!!!
