Monday, January 30, 2006

Start of another week

Mondays. I remember back before I was retired I sometimes groaned as I rolled out of bed at the early hour necessary. I would try to get my brain wrapped around what was needed to prepare for the day. I am not a morning person. I am in a fog in the morning. Unlike my husband who is up at 5 rarin' to go. He has all his little rituals and work habits all established. I, on the other hand, stumble around in a fog for quite a long time. I do things, but it takes me a very long time. When we lived in St. Paul I would wake up at 5. Sit on the side of the bed. Put on one sock and shoe. Then I would just sit for about 15 minutes. It would drive my husband nuts as he could never figure out what I was doing. I was thinking in a foggy sort of way about the day to come. Finally I would put on the other sock and shoe. He was very relieved.

Mondays now are just another day like the other days. I can have unrelieved fog time if I want. I may just be lazy, but I think it is more that I fall into that foggy land of unlimited free time with no impetus to rush to the next spot. I love to think and dream.

Tomorrow I am going to talk about making spaghetti sauce. I make a mean Norwegian spaghetti sauce. vicki

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well I don't know html. But I do know English, well sort of anyway. This is great, I had never heard of a blog, and now I am commenting to a blogger. What next? I want you to come home where you have all your painting supplies, and ME!
Next week will be different. We are hosting our friend from Germany, arriving Saturday, and then Carol and Gary are coming to inspect the building project and will also spend a couple days with us. Carol Leah (carl's sister) got back from India, did I tell you she broke her ankle on the first day there (her husband said that saved thousands of dollars as she couldn't shop but he is so sweet that he would rather she could shop than break her ankle). She had a great time, but she isn't feel well at all, and I hope it is nothing serious. Had the cast off today.
OK that's enough blogging for today - am I blogging, or just commenting to a blogger?
Come home soon!
I printed out Georges's letter for the 'boys'. Love, Carol Jean