Thursday, February 09, 2006

Abbott and Costello Moment

Or maybe Laurel and Hardy. Chevy Chase? Who is the current person doing slapstick comedy. Help me out here.

My husband, grandson and I went to the driving range at the golf club yesterday. George went in to get his clubs and I was in charge of getting balls out of a machine that dispenses them at the sliding of a card through a slot. Next to the machine sat a group of seven people having a meeting. I think it was all of the people who had to do with the running of the club. We tried to be as quiet as we could be so as not to disturb the flow of their conversation.

I ran the card through the slot and golf balls started spewing forth in all directions. I had not realized that I needed a little basket to put under the slot from which the balls would spew forth. I thought the onslaught would never end. The business people all got up to help field all of the rolling balls. The balls hit the cement with a loud report and then rolled all around. We all started laughing (thank goodness) and everyone was helpful. Matthew kept on finding more balls. George came out of the club house and wisely pretended not to know who these maniacs were! He says it was because there was nothing more that he could do. Truer words were never spoken. I had managed to do it all.

Hope you have a great day! vicki


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a wonderful moment that just couldn't be planned. How hilarious!

Kari said...

Vicki -- I´m still laughing as I envision this moment! You asked for potential slapstick actors who could pull this off -- In my mind, I picture Ben Stiller playing you . . .
Love your blog! I rarely have internet time -- but I do check yours when I get the chance. What fun! Blessings on your time with grandbaby.