Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Mid week

Tough day today. Our son left to be gone for two months. We will be here for a month of that, hoping to help our grandson adjust to his life with a bit of balance. Hard to understand when you're 4... or 75.

I watched the State of the Union last night. It's so interesting to me the way our country has taken adamant sides and won't listen to any other opinion. I just read the book "1776" by David McCoullough (sp?) and it is absolutely amazing that our country got its start at all and that it has survived all this time. Those people in the rebel army fought and survived long marches through WINTER with no shoes or coats. They were a tough breed. Whether our effete selves can take up the torch is always questionable. If we knew which torch to take up it would help. Just being against something doesn't seem sufficient. Where are the people with innovative ideas to solve the seemingly unsolvable. And earmarks!!! Who knew before what those were before this speech.

Sigh. vicki

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