Wednesday, February 01, 2006

spaghetti sauce

Well. Someone e-mailed me and asked what had happened to the spaghetti sauce. I forgot I had even mentioned it. Yes, I made spaghetti sauce. It was great if I do say so myself, and I do. And I discovered anew something called spaghetti squash. It's so fabulous. It is an oval smooth squash in a light yellow that one cooks and then kind of removes the flesh with a fork raking over the flesh. Spaghetti for the diabetic!!!!!!! It is good and hardly any carbs. I can finally have spaghetti sauce in sufficient quantities to enjoy. As Tony the Tiger would say, GGGGRRRREEEEAAAATTTT. The thing with the spaghetti sauce is that my secret is to simmer it for several hours adding the necessary liquid when necessary. I use lots of Italian Seasoning, salt, pepper, etc., etc. Each time I make it, it turns out somewhat different as I never measure anything when I cook. At home I use ground venison, but here I used lean hamburger, two pounds worth... onions... Several cans of tomato products: sauce, minced, paste, etc. At home I also use homemade tomato from the garden, but it turned out good without that.

I freak the chefs of the family out because I keep cooking it so much. They are sure I will poison them all. They have never lived where people do not have refrigeration, and so have to keep cooking their meat and other such cooked products. In Brazil thirty plus years ago, one could buy filet mignon very cheap as it was not a meat that could take repeated cooking, while the toughest meat was at a premium. Meat for Sunday, cooked again for Monday, then again on Tuesday and Wednesday. If there was more left, Thursday here we come. Beans and rice and molho. Yum, yum. Love it.

Well, thanks Karen for reminding me. I love it that you read my blog! Keep up the exercising and I will join you in a few weeks. Hi to the gang. love, vicki

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