Friday, September 08, 2006


This is part of the view that Fran has from her present apartment. There is also another building that is lit up like an art deco piece that I just loved, but I could not get a picture of it to turn out. This is a shot of Central Lutheran Church with its new carillon tower. I wonder what her new view will be. The cranes will be missing, too, I suppose.

I am trying to get used to being back home after a week's absence. It is very difficult. I am trying to get back into the swing of painting and going to the gym, etc. This morning I have a doctor's appointment for my usual check-up. Then I will sit the gallery for a couple of hours. Then I will go home to my tennis-less tv. I read about "my" tennis players on google news but I cannot watch the matches. sigh. I am having withdrawal symptoms. At least I will be able to watch the final matches of the US Open on Saturday and Sunday which will be better than trying to stay awake until 11:30 to watch the update on CBS.

It is hard to get used to being back home. George and Naomi had a great trip to Washington State and there are some good pictures of that on Naomi's blog. There is a link to that on my blog. I love her new picture of herself. It was taken in Brazil at her black board. She was an artist even at that young and tender age!

I will try to post more often once again. I can't seem to get into a communicative mood. Soon, I promise. At least I promise to try.


Anonymous said...

It's good to have you back-great new haircut!

Anonymous said...

It is hard to make comment when we talk on he phone every day but I woke up missing you sitting there reading in early mornng.