Thursday, September 14, 2006

Howdy Doody

I have finally managed to get back into the swing of things. Just back from the gym and rarin' to go for the day. Yesterday was a fun day. My friend Carol and I just went out for lunch at Old Broadway in Alex and then spent the day meandering and talking.

I purchased a toaster with money I had received for my birthday. A nice toaster. I got sick of toast that was toasted on the top half but not on the bottom half. Good toast makes life worth living? Well, not quite, but it does make it lots more fun.

I have just finished a painting and will have it's representation on this web site soon. It's always interesting to get to the point where you say, ok, that's it. If you keep on too long, the painting can be ruined. It's a very satisfying thing to realize that the painting is done. Often the painting turns out to be about something that you didn't plan, it just happens. Great fun.

Off to my day. Hope to have the painting on here tomorrow. Have a GREAT day.


Anonymous said...

Finally . . . . your back!

Glad to hear about your toast!! And I can't wait to see your new painting. Was this started on your camping trip?

Off like a herd of turtles!

Anonymous said...

Love that hair! it seems as if harvest will start, so I will miss my exercise friends during the next 7-8 weeks (or more, who knows??)

Anonymous said...

why is Karen gone during harvest?
My toaster is fine now that I turned it up to scorch. Fran

Anonymous said...

Please notice my additional post for today! Karen l will be gone because they are farmers and she will be VERY busy.