Wednesday, March 21, 2007


OK. Stay with me, now. The day outside is foggy, gray, miserable. I decided to look through my pictures and find one that was the opposite of foggy, gray and miserable, and I came up with this one and managed to download it (or upload it?), which is a miracle in itself. This portrait of a tree should be colorful enough to make you look at today in a cheerful fashion. This is one of three such portraits I have painted, as it is an actual tree that grows on the shore of Lake Waubesa in Wisconsin. It is called the "Beer Tree" because the farmer that had the property years ago kept his beer stored in the hole in the base of the tree. His wife, so the story goes, wouldn't let him drink in the house, so he made this adjustment to continue his drinking. Whatever it takes?

Well, ok, this is a great day to be alive. Don't let the grayness get you down. Do something lively and fun today. My friend and I are going to Fergus to visit the Waage Art Center for their annual invitational show in which we both have paintings. The tea is today from 3 to 7, so we will go and schmooze and look at the art. Should be great fun! You are all invited! We will then come home and go to our respective Wednesday night Lenten Services. All in all, a great day.

Take care.

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