Saturday, March 10, 2007

Seventh Heaven

That's where I am! My daughter and son-in-law came yesterday and are leaving today, but we have had enough time to really touch base. Great. Our ladies' get-together went great yesterday and we talked our heads off. Well, not quite "off."

Our lending library's open house is today. I am ecstatic about that, and the fact that my daughter is able to be here for that adds to the excitment. Well... it doesn't get much better!

My daughter and I went to "Because I said So" at the movies last night. I am saying don't bother. Even the sight of some of my favorite actors doesn't cut it. The guys went to "Zodiac" and that seemed to be interesting from their comments, if the thought of the study of serial killer research thrills you! The theater was PACKED even though it is a nine plex now. "Wild Hogs" was sold out for the early performance.

Well, off to my thrilling day. I will try to take a picture or two to include (hopefully). Take care


Anonymous said...

always glad to get the skinny from Evansville. Fran.

Anonymous said...

I read in the Fargo Forum today about people getting paid for their blogging. These people rave about their favorite new product or movie or whatever have you. The companies or movie makers are paying huge $$ for bloggers to use their space as advertisement disguised as a blog. So Vicki: a new business for you!

I want to see Wild Hogs sometime. Currently sitting at home with a nasty cold-sinus infection etc.

bananafish said...

we had so much fun mom, thanks!